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PSP USB Problem

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    PSP USB Problem

    Whenever I try and copy over data to my PSP from my main PC I get the following error

    Cannot copy *file*: Cannot find the specified File
    Make Sure You specify the correct Path and File Name

    Everything works fine from my laptop (old, I'm guessing it's USB 1.0). It did say "FAST USB plugged into non - FAST USB port blah blah..." but it then worked flawlessly

    So what's up with my main PC? And how can I fix it? I have 4 USB ports, Looking at the Device Manager 1 USB is 2.0 and the other 3 are 1.10 but I get the error with ALL 4 USB Ports

    Any help much appreciated

    Is your PSP fully charged? I had that problem before, it went away when I charged my PSP. Don't know if it was the proper solution to it though. Not had any problems since. *touch wood*


      Yup fully charged but as I say it works on the laptop anyway, so it seems to be a PC problem


        I had this problem with a scanner before, the problem turned out to be the driver conflicts within windows xp sp2 with my motherboard, causing errors with the usb ports, I got the problem solved by using new drivers from America for the scanner which were not really for the scanner I had but it solved the problem.This problem seems to be specific to windows xp sp2, it can cause problems with many motherboards unfortunately and the only way to solve it is to reformat the pc with windows xp, or find new updated drivers for your motherboard


          Well I don't have SP2 so it's not that

          This really has me stumped
          Last edited by tyler; 14-06-2005, 20:43.


            What is odd is only having 1 usb2.0 port, usb ports are ordinarily in pairs.


              Originally posted by Mofoman
              or find new updated drivers for your motherboard
              Well my Motherboard is Abit BH7 Intel i845PE-ICH4

              I got some drivers from HERE but no luck (I got the top option)


                Originally posted by babs
                What is odd is only having 1 usb2.0 port, usb ports are ordinarily in pairs.
                Do you know how I can check which is actually the USB 2.0?


                  Stick a USB memory stick in a port, transfer a large file. Do this until you find the ones that are much faster.


                    Do you have any other USB devices that work OK with the PC?


                      Originally posted by Bassman
                      Do you have any other USB devices that work OK with the PC?
                      Scanner, Camera and Printer

                      All work fine, which makes it even more annoying, baffling


                        Originally posted by babs
                        Stick a USB memory stick in a port, transfer a large file. Do this until you find the ones that are much faster.
                        The PSP should work on any of the 4 ports though? Yeah?


                          In theory I suppose.


                            Well as I put in my first post when it connects to the laptop I get a msg saying

                            ""FAST USB plugged into non - FAST USB port blah blah..."

                            BUT it works :S

                            I don't get this on the newer PC yet I've all these problems. What's going on there?


                              So, XP doesn't come up with the pop-up when you switch te PSP to USB Mode then?

