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Problem with Saur's modded RGB cable for Gamecube.

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    Problem with Saur's modded RGB cable for Gamecube.

    I bought it off someone on trading forum and it look in excellent condition.

    Tested it on hitchai TV 28 inch 4:3 TV - beautiful picture (apart from refresh as it can't handle 60hz very well) Don't worry about that as it is living room TV.

    I then test it on my normal gaming TV which is Philips 24 inch widescreen. I used Mario Sunshine on Gamecube.

    It doesn't display the picture in proper crisp RGB and keep changing screen size as TV can't decide if it want widescreen or normal mode.

    I unplug it and replug it in, no change.

    Any ideas what gone wrong. It never happens on XBOX, PS2, or DC games.

    Are you direct to the set?
    I have problems daily with my consoles not rgb switching. Have all manner of little tricks to kick start em. (using Argos switchers by the way).

    I have a Phillips tv in my kitchen,i can test my GC and Saur cable on there in the morning if you like.


      I don't know the cable you are referring to, but if it is RGB SCART, then you have the option of disconnecting pin 8. Pin 8 on the SCART head sends voltage (+5) to the TV which tells the set to automatically change to the correct AV channel and to switch to widescreen if applicable.

      First, you need to be able to manually set your TV to RGB for that SCART input before disconnecting pin 8. Some sets (usually ones with only one SCART input) don't have any controls for manually setting the SCART and the result from disconnecting the pin leaves the set in composite only, with no way to tell it to use RGB. Another issue is that you will lose the automatic switching behaviour when you turn on the console, so you will need to manually change channels.

      You might end up with having a couple more steps to go through when setting up, but at least it will remain stable throughout the time you use it. Disconnect the wire in a way that lets you reattach it if nessesary.


        It is direct to the set. TV is next to me.

        I got argos switch box, but it is faulty now.

        So I might have to invest in joytech scart switcher (Need one with 6 RGB input)


          I've not got one of these cables, but my Philips TV also throws a wobbly with screen sizing on the regular. Could be a brand thing?


            It also had problem with Advanced scart cable from Microsoft, but I thought it was due to weak/loose connection.


              It's your TV - some Phillips screens always freak out when you apply voltage to pin 8, issues vary from model to model - some are fine, some you manually need to switch and others just keep flicking widescreen mode constantly.

              Disconnect pin 8 leaving pin 16 still connected via the resistor, that'll sort it (you'll have to manually select AV1 or whatever your using via the remote)


                Do I break pin 8 with a plier ? (4th bottom row)

                Would it affect it resale value, as I am planning to buy HDTV in New Year.


                  ^ Don't do that if you wish to reverse it. Unscrew the SCART head and seperate it, then cut the wire close to the pin. Tape up the exposed wire tip so it doesn't touch any other pins and you should be fine.
                  Last edited by fahrenheit; 17-06-2005, 11:29.


                    Note that there is only 1 wire supplying voltage, the wire is connected to pin8 and is then bridged across to pin16 via a resistor.

                    If you cut this wire you will lose the voltage to both pins - this is actually a good solution. Use your SCART splitter with another console's cable you've tested to work OK plugged in and switched on while you use the Cube, you will now be using the voltage supplied from the previously tested cable/console/DVD player to force your TV to display RGB mode.


                      ^ Yes, important point about leaving the bridge intact.
                      I can also highly recommend the Joytech switcher, it has none of the problems of a passive splitter. I have the original 4 x input model with two Xbox's a PS2 and a Cube connected to it. I believe the new model switch doesn't have optical?


                        Some people have trouble with the original Joytech switcher and modded cube cables, again this can be fixed by removing pin 8.

                        Mine is daisy chained through my sky box, which in turn is connected to the switcher. It works fine then.



                          I got Sky Plus so can I plug in my gamecube into that then wouldn't that lose RGB input.


                            Not sure about Sky plus as I have normal Sky.

                            My Sky box has 2 scart sockets, Scart 1 has RGB output, Scart 2 has RGB input. With my cube connected to scart 2, the Sky box passes the signal through and outputs RGB from Scart 1 to the switch box.

                            It doesn't matter if sky is on or in standby, it never messes with the picture when I'm passing an RGB signal through it.

                            It's a Panasonic sky box, if it makes a difference.



                              I tried it with Sky+ and it work fine. The picture is better now, but not 100% perfect crisp, but that probably due to Philip TV getting old. Still it will do for now until I buy myself a HDTV Display TV after Christmas.

