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DS sound query (humming)

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    DS sound query (humming)

    Just picked up a DS today, tried it with DS & GBA games and speakers and headphones and get the same problem.

    Basically there is no game sound until the slider is at least 50% towards full volume and from say 25% to 75% volume there is an annoying humminh/hissing sound from the speakers both when there is no game sound and over the top of game sound - when you get past 75% volume the game sounds drown out the humming/hissing.

    Lastly there is an evident click sound when the volume is switched down to zero.

    Not sure if this is the norm and I'm being picky or if the sound switch (or similar) is faulty and warrants a return.


    Try fully charging it then testing again (recenty had a DS with severe distortion on the image of the top screen + buzzing from the speakers, after leaving it alone to charge fully again the problem never showed again)

    If not send it back.

    The DS volume slider never produces any clicks or anything, the only click you get is when you power up/down.


      not normal - take it back.

      there's definitely a small 'null zone' at the low end of the scale on the volume slider, but nothing like the effect you're reporting... at least not on mine anyway!


        thanks guys, will try Saur's tip, if that fails back it goes (luckily got it from local Tesco's)


          I find if I play meteos (it tends to be glued into the slot) and have the volume set very low the sound is distorted, but as soon as I slide it up a little it's fine. I've not tried with headphones yet.


            changed the DS, the old one was faulty, perfect sound on the replacement



              I get distortion at low sound levels. If I slide the volumn a few times it tends to fix it.

