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The Orb

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    The Orb

    This looks like an interesting bit of software: and

    It lets you stream your media from your PC anywhere in the world. Top.
    Last edited by MartyG; 23-06-2005, 12:18.

    If you have windows XP Pro then you can do this for free with IIS (internet information services) and if you can be bothered fiddling around you can install it on Windows XP Home too. Although I am guessing this software will be much easier to use.


      True, but it would still require you to create a load of web pages - secure logins etc as it runs over https. Unless you want open access and directory listing.

      I tried it earlier on over the work LAN, and due to the https it's a little slow to get listings, but it works really well.


        Am now using this. Means I can listen to all my music at work on the laptop (streaming from my desktop at home). Saves me having to have multiple copies of the music - just keep the one place up to date.

        Another major advantage of this software over the stuff built into windows is that it recodes the media on the fly to fit over the available connection, so if I wanted to, I could watch a dvd backed up as divx streamed over my 30k/s upload, and it recodes accordingly. Clever. So if you have your music saved at some high bitrate that struggles at 30k/s then no worries.


          Ah drat. I thought you were referring to

