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Xbox network woes

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    Xbox network woes

    Im trying to get my newly received crystal Xbox to network with my PC. Its fitted with a Xecutor 2 chip, and Im running Slayers 2.6 install.

    Although I have set up the network the same as my old xbox, which still works, I cant ping the crystal box and wondered if theres something Im missing.

    I connect to a switch, and have set up static IPs for each machine on my network, whilst I point DNS to my DNS enabled server. For example

    IP - (xbox static IP)
    DNS (DNS server address)
    Gateway (adsl switch address)

    Pinging the XB IP gives no responce, the only differences between this and my old xbox are that the old one ran slayers 1.6 and had a Xecutor chip. Other than that the install is reasonably similar. Any ideas as this is bugging me?

    Could it be the chip has the internal FTP server option enabled, I remember a couple of bios' could do that. perhaps it would interfere?


      Any idea where or how Id find that out - the FTP option is set to YES within system management, is this what you mean - my working XB is also set to yes though..


        on my xbox, the welcome screen when u turn xbox on stated one ip address while in avlaunch it stated another, ive only been ever able to connect to my xbox when in avlaunch, could be worth a try? there again could be total bull...

        damn u got me wondering again now why this may be the case


          Originally posted by fragmast3r
          on my xbox, the welcome screen when u turn xbox on stated one ip address while in avlaunch it stated another, ive only been ever able to connect to my xbox when in avlaunch, could be worth a try? there again could be total bull...

          damn u got me wondering again now why this may be the case
          That would probably be because you can set the ip in the chip menu as well as in avalaunch, atleast that's the case with my softmod menu and the dashboard I use.

          Marcus: In my settings the DNS is set to, try that. And I found a really nice guide to setting up filesharing with the PC in case you're interested btw:


            I should be at least able to ping the Xbox, theres no activity for that connection on the router as well, its pretty much dead. Ive tried a different cat5 cable to no avail, in any case, this same cable works fine on my other xb. Not sure where to go with this now :/


              If you set the Xbox to DHCP, is it able to communicate with the router ok and obtain an IP address?


                Originally posted by Yod@
                If you set the Xbox to DHCP, is it able to communicate with the router ok and obtain an IP address?
                I'm not sure, but it's easier to just give it an ip yourself. For instance my 2 PC's in the network were and so i just set the ip of the xbox to, worked perfectly.


                  My network uses static IPs, when I gave the last Xbox dhcp it disconnected one of my other pcs each time i switched it on.


                    Yeah, I use static IPs myself - but for troubleshooting, it's not very useful.
                    If you enable DHCP and the Xbox is able to get an IP address for itself, then you'll know that everything at the Xbox end is working ok.

                    You're not using the *same* static IP address for both Xboxes are you? The router could be getting confused about using the same IP for two different MAC addresses, for example.

                    You may need to reset the router if that's happening.


                      Ive rebooted my router and it made no difference, there is still no activity for that port on the router either - enabling DHCP gives a IP address, Im guessing its XB end which is the problem.


                        Yeah, definitely sounds like a problem with the XB end then.
                        Funny thing is that it sounds as though the XB *does* see the connection, otherwise it would say "No Link" rather than "".

                        Reckon it's worth trying the Xbox with the chip off to see if it can connect to Live through the router? Note that you don't actually need an Xbox Live account in order to connect to Live in order to start the sign-up procedure etc.

                        Don't forget that once you've gone on Live with an Xbox, you'll be banned if you change the hard drive at a later date - so don't do this if you think you may need to change the drive and still use Xbox Live.

