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Difference between dead lit pixels and lazy pixels?

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    Difference between dead lit pixels and lazy pixels?

    I had my PSP up for sale and descibed it with dead pixels, however I don't think they are dead or lit pixels, to see them (one on the bottom left edge and another on the top right edge) you have to find a game that has a completely black screen for more than a second or two and then really look for them.

    I actually ran a black jpg image once I thought I saw one of them, and that is when I saw the other one too. You can't see them whilst in the PSP menu and you could never see them whilst playing a game or even in a game menu either.

    So when all you guys moan about dead pixels are the ones you have lit like you get on an lcd monitor sometimes?

    I have a "stuck " pixel on my DS. I rub the effected area gently, and it unsticks it.

    I presume dead pixels are exactly that...dead..not lit,and never to be lit again.

