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3Svideo request

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    3Svideo request

    sorry if this is in the wrong forum, just shift it if it needs to be shift...

    this is going to seem like an odd request but here goes.

    does anyone have any videos of 3s with ryu fighting ken. i have trawled combo video and they have one or two but they are not quite meaning the needs that i have.

    to explain....
    i'm a practicing sculptor and i am currently working in projects involving synchronic narative, focusing on hidden narative and contexts. in this case i am using a battle between ken and ryu. i need the video so i can script the events, structure the language, break down, and final encode the narative before i create the final pieces.

    i have been playing 3s for a while now and saving the replys but im just not good enough for perfect play. so im tyring to find a video where there is a lot of parrys and counters, very little standing off (is that turtling?) and where it goes to all three rounds, and this is the stinger, it would be best if ryu wins (but only just).... the tighter the end the better really.

    if anyone has any, or could point me in more directions that combo video that would be great, if people have stored video then i would be happy to send cd's to get copies. of course any videos used for this will have the credit for play given to the players and will be mentioned with the work within the gallery space.

    i'll be very greatfull for any help and if you want to drop me a line then you can pm or throw me an email on [email protected]
