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Internet Explorer Hangs When Using Google

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    Originally posted by Kotatsu Neko
    A few inaccuracies there Andrew. The five times faster thing is a bit silly as the benchmark you're quoting was run natively on a G5 and then under emulation on a P4. Not exactly fair.

    The crucial thing for people on a site like this is game performance, and in this area the lack of raw Mhz is a problem for the G5. Even a top of the line PowerMac G5 with an X800 gets absolutely wasted in a Doom 3 test against a top of the line PC. There's just no comparison.

    I quite fancied buying an iMac G5 to play with until I heard Apple's Intel switch annoucement. Although fat binaries will be around for a good few years, who is to say that smaller apps, shareware for example, will start appearing that is x86 only? Fat binaries are just that - fat, bloated, overly large. And a time will come, it's innevitable, when people go x86 only.

    Don't misunderstand me, I think Macs have a lot of appeal. Mac OS X is fantastic and the systems look beautiful. But I really don't think buying a Mac now would be a smart thing to do. Wait until the MacTels come out, then look at the situation again.

    Getting back to the origianl topic - USE FIREFOX! Seriously, nobody should be going anywhere near the bug ridden spyware magnet that is IE.
    Sorry, I didn't notice the benchmarks were emulated. Still, the G5 is the faster system.

    I know this is primarily a games site, but Mac gaming? LOL, you're having a laugh. The reason for poor performance isn't just that the processors are slower clocked (although it is caused a lot by the single-threaded PC games) but rather architecture and OS differences. A switch to Intel doesn't change the fact that it'll be running on OSX - I doubt Macs will be a viable gaming platform for a long time, if ever.

    Yes, there will be a time where PPC will be dropped, but you'll have ditched your iMac long before that ever happens. If anything shareware will be developed for PPC only, as it will run on the x86 macs fine, but x86 stuff will only run on x86. With many apps it's apparently as simple as a checkbox in XCode to enable PPC and x86 compatability.

    The free/shareware scene on macs is totally different than it is on PCs too. You can get apps for less than ?20 that are just as high quality as any expensive application like photoshop etc. Developers actually stick to the usability guidelines, and work for compatability. It makes no sense for anyone to develop an x86 only app until OSX drops support itself, which will be a minimum of five years I reckon.

    I wouldn't say it's a smart thing to wait a year or possibly two if you're going higher end before buying a Mac though. You can play the waiting game forever though, and I know I wouldn't want to be the first to have Intel systems. As with all Apple products, you're recommended not to go with a Rev. A system. I did with the iMac G5s and got burned. After five hardware failures I received a Powerbook instead. (but that was an extreme case, I've barely heard of any hardware faults with them)

    Just seems like a bad idea to wait almost a whole year for a computer if you want/need it now. Computer technology changes so much, regardless of an intel switch it'll still be a big jump over what you had the year before.

    And yes, definitely go with Firefox! It's the best browser there is, bar none. I've tried pretty much every single browser, and while others may offer faster performance, nothing works as well as Firefox does imo.


      Well thanks for everyones help on this matter - even the Mac lovers

      Fristly I downloaded Firefox and I didn't get the problem when searching but (as some other people have said I) wanted to stick with Internet Explorer really so wanted to fix the problem if possible.

      Many thanks to billy_dimashq : I downloaded the Ad Aware software and after doing a scan the problem has disappeared! Many thanks to you - this thing has been peeing me off for a few months now. I hoped someone on here would be able to help me and thanfully I wasn't disappointed.

      Cheers everyone.
      Last edited by mementoman; 30-06-2005, 13:50.


        Originally posted by billy_dimashq
        ...I find the Getright integration is better with IE than with firefox (and I use Getright A LOT so I need this).
        Here you go: or


          Do you even need Getright with Firefox? I thought it did download resume within the program.


            It won't connect multiple times to the same source to get faster downloads and in getright you can add multiple URLs of the same thing so again your downloads go faster.


              no tbh i only use getright for the newsgroups (as everything's split up into sometimes hundreds of files). for general downloading, i just let IE do it (or firefox), mainly because most places nowadays (driver sites, for example), use php thingies for mirroring, or to stop leeching probably, and getright tends to fall over on these...

              any back to the topic, cheers for the link magnakai, and mementoman, glad to hear you got it sorted out!

