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Samba De Amigo Maracas

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    Samba De Amigo Maracas


    Does anyone know if these maracas are any good?

    Cheers, BB

    Have a search on here - there're loads of opinions.

    I've owned two sets and sold them both on. I wasn't impressed. You can "improve" them with a bit of jiggery-pokery but...


      i've got a set and they are perfect!

      i've never had a problem with them at all, well worth the money!


        They are OK, but they conflict with the original Sega version whihc means that 2 player sessions are out, I've found that after a while the signal error message will pop up. its very anoying. However if you want to use them on there own, they will be fine. The bar that seperates the sensors is replaced with interconnects and you don't get the plactic with the paw prints on either - no great loss.

        If you want to play the game - go for it
        If you want a 2 player setup - buy Sega

        Don't know wether 2 pairs of cha cha's would work anyone else?


          I've not had any problems with them, except for a bit of RSI in the wrists, which on second thoughts may not have been caused by the maracas at all.


            Originally posted by tonyk100

            Don't know wether 2 pairs of cha cha's would work anyone else?
            I've used two sets for 2P, but I spaced the sensors quite far apart.

            I found them unusable for any serious play, btw - they drop too many moves... I got fed up with them after a while, sold them and bought official ones.

