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Secondary Hard Drive help

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    Secondary Hard Drive help

    I need some help with my secondary HD, it's just suddenly not being recognized by my PC. I've been burning some CD's onto it tonight to make a CD for my car and I went to burn it and iTunes was telling me it couldn't find the files. I then discover that 'My Computer' is no longer listing my secondary HD. I had a look in the Bios and I can see that it's not picking it up in there either, but I haven't much knowledge about what does what in the bios so I don't really want to touch things before I know what I should be do it. Anyone know how I can fix this?

    If it is not being picked up by the bios, that is usually a bad sign.
    Has the drive been making any loud noises recently?

    Still the power cable may have come loose, try reseating it.
    Try a different power cable, also try a different IDE cable just in case.


      I had a problem with my hardrive sometimes it would not be noticed and i would get other errors.In the end i gave the hard drive to someone and he has had no problems at all

      If its possible i would say give it to someone to try out and see if they have the same problems

