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new screen, whats good?

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    new screen, whats good?

    where is a good place to pick up a new tv as mine has died after a long painfully drawn out death. i cant really afford a lcd or plasma, so im looking at crt, if anyone could point me in some directions that would be great.

    like am i better off getting flat over traditional, and what are the best producer to go for... jvc, pani, sony... etc

    What sort of budget do you have? Empire Direct's website has some nice widescreen TVs.


      I'd recommend JVC from personal experience. I've never seen a panasonic set without geometry issues, Philips have issues with input voltages which might be a problem with some consoles (? next gen ?) and also I find their colour balance slightly off, which can't be corrected in the setup menus no matter how much fiddling I tried.

      My last TV was a Sony which was good while it lasted but died within 6 years (maybe I expect too much, but Sonys are generally overpriced to begin with and I didn't get value for money out of it)

      Go flat, you won't think it matters until you own one and then you'll realise it was money well spent. I was really really close to buying a larger curved screen but ended up buying a flat 28" with more connections than I can shake a stick at and it's plenty big enough in my lounge (10ft viewing distance) and I don't regret it at all.


        Samsung do a 32" HDTV for ?900 (or a 26" for around ?600), i'll probabily be picking up one myself before the end of the year.



        I don't know if that's more than you want to spend, but personally I wouldn't buy anything that's not a HDTV now as that's the way everything is heading now with the new consoles and SKY are going to soon broacast HD signals.
        Last edited by mr_sockochris; 13-07-2005, 23:16.


          or you can get one of the new high def compatible crt sets from

          they have the jvc 28" widescreen crt for around the 400 - 500 pounds mark, and it accepts high def(1080i etc) signals!!!


            cheers guys they are some good sites. looks like i might go for the jvc 28" hd. as that will soon be the standard.


              I have a HD28P37, it's got component inputs, can handle progressive scan from NTSC and PAL sources, but bear in mind that the DIST technology changes the input from 50, 60 or whatever and scales it to ~75z, doesn't cause a problem for me but might for some applications?

              Oh, and although it doesn't accept a 720p input, so no Xbox high-res goodness.

