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Is it possible to share a stepdown converter?

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    Is it possible to share a stepdown converter?

    I was just wondering it it's possible to use a single stepdown converter for multiple consoles? Say by getting a four-way US or Japanese outlet and plugging that into the stepdown?

    Just a thought, I've never heard it mentioned before.


    I can't see any reason why not so long as you don't power on more consoles as the amperage would allow.


      I think it should be ok as long you don't have more than one console on.


        Its fine as its what i use on two different stepdowns. As said just dont turn two things on.


          Cool, thanks for the help guys


            I might have a spare US 4 way if you want it. Ill have a look.


              You can turn on the two things at the same time, as long as you are not exceeding the wattage the stepdown can handle.I do this and have three things on at once with my new step down.It is a 500 watt stepdown, I have done it with a 300 watt one beofre and even a 200 watt one back in the days of N64, super famicom, it all depends on how much power they are drawing at the end of the day.


                You can buy high wattage stepdowns with multiple outputs. They are doing exactly what you are suggesting but combining the two parts into one unit.

                So no it isn't a problem providing your consoles don't exceed the power output of the stepdown.


                  I'm new to all this stepdown stuff & just purchased a new JAP saturn. Can I plug my Saturn (& stepdown) into a four way extention plug board with my ps2, gamecube etc. at the same time?


                    Which way round do you mean. A UK plug board with the stepdown and the other consoles? If so then yes,a stepdown is no different to a hairdryer,electric toothbrush,XBox etc.

                    If you mean a 4 way out of a stepdown with a load of 110 appliances out of it then yes aswell.


                      OK so can anyone suggest a UK supplier for a 4-way US socket strip? I guess you can buy these from in the US but if there is a UK supplier the postage ought to be better?

