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Name this PC game

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    Name this PC game

    Can anyone please name this old pc game..

    All I can remember it was set in medieval setting, you played a knight and the gimmick was you had full analog control other sword you swung, so moving the mouse moved the sword in the direction of it moved and the faster the movement the stronger the strike, you could also chop body parts off, arms, legs and heads.

    Did you have to build up a village which was then attacked by monsters? And the more you killed the more you could spend on defences?


      die by the sword?


        thats it 'die by the sword'



          i remember seeing a preview on it, it reminded escatia or something i can't remember the exact name


            that circle poylgon game.. i still have that somewhere, insanely hard and way to many leaps of faith


              Really? I don't remember it being that hard.

              What other games used that ovaloid tech? LBA2?


                lba2 was amazing i loved that game i think i still have it somewhere. I had estacia 2 those bloody spiders were horrid and made a horrific noise so i never completed it /o\


                  Estacia and, brings back memories LBA was so epic and smart, loved it to bits. Twinsun rocked, too!

                  For some reason when someone mentioned Esticia it reminded me of Bioforge on the PC. Now that was cool. Shame they never did the followup.


                    Ecstatica. 1 was fiddly, 2 was really quite good. There was a third game using the poly-ovoid technology in the works - a modern urban cop game, I guess similar to Dead to Rights or Max Payne, but ages ago - entitled "Urban Decay". It looked great, but never was completed.

                    LBA didn't use *that* ovaloid tech, it just had round blobby character design


                      Ecstatica was an utter bastard until you got used to the control method.

                      Pegging it around that runied and empty village was scary stuff (especially when that warewolf would leap down at you from the rooftops) would result in some pretty memorable moments.

                      I seem to remember it being very surreal in places as well (epscially the podgy nude woman that would chase you about)

                      I still have a soft spot for Twinsen and LBA. All that cuteness mixed in with the 1984 Big Brother style setting was brilliant.


                        demo of die by the sword here-

                        just had a quick go and the mouse to move the sword is kinda cool



                          one picture i could find of estatica 2 (the first one looks dreadful by todays standards it hasn't aged well at all )

                          and here is our friend twinsun

                          thats the first one

                          and the second

                          i used to love how he ran when he leant back i suppose this picture sort of shows that. Do these jog any memories?


                            Many many memories! I still think the LBA games look great. They had such a great sense of style.


                              i think there was speech in both the lba games?

                              I loved the way the army ran things and when you went back to your home town they had taken over (i might be thinking of something else) and of course the little car!

