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import slim pstwo

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    import slim pstwo

    this has been asked before I think after I looked around a bit, however im still unclear on the subject and I dont really want to fry anything I own...
    So I heres what I have:

    US Slim PStwo and all accesories(PSU, Plug etc)
    UK Slim PStwo and all accesories(PSU, Plug etc)

    Now which PSU do I use to power the US PStwo?
    Do I use the UK Plug with the US PSU
    Do I use the UK plug with the UK PSU(that I got with my UK console)

    Sorry for turning such a small,probably simple, question into an essay but I dont want to fry my wonderful PStwo.


    Well seeing as the power conversion is done outside the console you should be able to use the UK lead on the US console and vice versa.

    I've got a Japanese one and all I did was take the japanese figure 8 cable out of the PSU block and replace it with a bog standard UK one - works fine.


      Originally posted by tway ninja
      Do I use the UK Plug with the US PSU
      This is what I'm doing - but with a Japanese PSU.


        wow that was fast!
        and it worked like a charm!

        although i get green screen if i use the switch on my cable, i dont suppose you know how to fix that?


          When playing games or dvds? Do you have an RGB cable and have you set it to output RGB?


            I know normally when I play DVDs on my UK PStwo I have to put the switch on the RGB cable to DVD, if it stays on game it all goes green, but im using the same cable on my US PStwo and im playing US Castlevania, if I put the switch on DVD it plays normally, if I put it on game it all goes green?


              It might be worth going into the System Configuration menu & checking how your video ouptut is set.

              If it's set as Y Cb/Pb Cr/Pr ( this is component video which I think is the default on US PS2's) then you need to change it to RGB. That'll hopefully get rid of the green screen problem.


                WOW! Once again it has worked perfectly!!
                Thank you both, this is the most helpful forum Ive ever been to!
                now back to Symphony of the Night, looking EVEN better than before.

