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Netscape 8

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    Netscape 8

    Is anyone using it here, cos I've got a couple of problems with it and I was wondering if you've solved any of them...

    I've got it on my system too, but for some reason it keeps on crashing about every 2/3 hours. I have Netscape 7.2, I.E 6, Firefox, and Opera v7. There all OK.

    Does this happen on your system?


      Nah, but everything dumb thing I type in any form box keeps on coming up when I return to the site. Say when I'm on the ntsc-uk homepage and type some games into search on the form, I come back and type something else in and it remembers everything which I don?t mind but I creates this lag because an extension to the input box gets created with my last search strings, so I just don?t want it to remember anything and stop bringing these silly boxes up that follow me around every site I go to cos its lagging my system up...

      Do you know how to turn these dumb settings off? Do you experience these silly auto fill boxes coming up when you begin to type stuff in to a form on a site?

      I too get your crashing thing randomly when I got a few tabs open and go to close some it crashes the window

      This version is trying to hard to be IE or Firefox...


        Originally posted by gingerj
        Do you know how to turn these dumb settings off? Do you experience these silly auto fill boxes coming up when you begin to type stuff in to a form on a site?
        Try the following: Tools>Options when the options window pops-up click Form Fill. You'll then see Datacards Saved, highlight them (if you have any) then click on the remove button.

        Still in the Datacards section click on the Preferences Tab. Under "when i enter form information" select "Do Nothing".

        You'll need to do the same for the Passcards Preferences (Highlight Passcards tab then Preferences).

        I hope this helps mate.

