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Question on original releases and rereleases

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    Question on original releases and rereleases

    Could somebody please explain to me how to determine whether a game is original release, or rerelease (for NTSC ps2, gamecube and xbox titles)? Do player's choice/greatest hits/platinum versions count as rereleases, or are rereleases referred to the games that are released after the original initial shipment but before the player's choice shipment? If that makes any sense. Originals are always worth more, right? Also... what's the difference between originals and rerelease versions.. only the cover art, right? The manuals and game discs are exactly the same?
    Last edited by Light; 28-07-2005, 21:12.

    I count budget titles on the Player's Choice, Greatest Hits and Platinum labels to be rereleases in my eyes. Usually nothing is changed between the two, though occasionally some things are tweaked and added. I recall a second release of RE on the PS1 in the US which added dual shock support for example. This came in a jewel case whereas the original version was a longbox.
    Lie with passion and be forever damned...


      The manuals and game discs are exactly the same?
      Maybe...I believe re-released PS2 games sometimes get nobbled with a blue disc. In any case, no, they're not EXACTLY the same, as the disc will have a different product code, and will more likely look ****ter too (plain silver disc instead of having printed artwork etc)

      Yes, original releases are worth more.


        Originally posted by Kubrick
        as the disc will have a different product code
        Would the product code be on the top of the disc, or shown somewhere in one of the first screens when you boot up a game?


          It'll be printed somewhere on the disc, and on the packaging. For JP PS2 games it's usually something like SLPM-xxxxx or SLUS-xxxxx for American.


            You're right.... never noticed. What about american cube and xbox games?


              Cube games start with "DOL".


                No, I meant if each cube game has its own unique code/number on the packaging and the disc... but its doesn't appear that way. I mean to say that as far as I understand, a greatest hits game on the ps2 would have a different code than its original version... but the code for a player's choice cube game and its original counterpart are identical, which in effect means that only the cover art differs (for cube games).


                  I see...what about the disc itself? Exactly the same, and not cheaper-looking?


                    Nope, absolutely identical.. you can't tell them apart.


                      For American Player's Choice GC games the game disk and manual are identical to the original release. The only difference is the packaging which has a yellow Player's Choice band across the top. However this is something of a one off. The majority of rereleases eg Platinum have game disks without any artwork, black and white manuals and changes to the packaging.


                        It appears that are other differences too regarding cube games.


                        Though I'm still not sure what all this means. For example, I've seen a copy of wind waker which was the 0-00 version but it was in a player's choice dvd. And I've seen a copy of smash melee which was the 0-02 version but had the 00100 number on the cover art (00000 is very first release, 00101 is player's choice). Both games were brand (sealed), new.


                          Surely the 001 USA version of Metroid Prime is the rerelease that came with a Metroid Prime 2 demo. It was released last Summer a few months before the Player's Choice release.


                            It's not.


                            Anyway, the way I figure is that very few gamecube games do get updated versions (version 1.1 = 0.01, version 1.2 = 0.02), the original being version 1.0 = 0.00. As far as I understand, player's choice titles don't get their own version codes (hence why most of the player's choice games have 0.00 numbers), it just happens in some cases that they adjust a few things in the original game (thus making an updated version) before the game becomes a player's choice title... as is the case with Prime. Similarly, a disc may be the 0.02 version, but not necessarily a player's choice version, as is the case with melee. Surprisingly, there's very little information on this topic on the internet.......... I must be the only one who cares.....

