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Touch Typing

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    Touch Typing

    Hi Guys

    I would like to learn how to touch type. Can anyone recommend me a good touch typing program?

    Many thanks


    This is no joke - Typing of the Dead by Sega. It's how I learnt. It won't teach you the theory or 'proper' methods, but you will learn, and you will learn by playing a very fun game.

    At the hight of my typing 'ability', when one of my old jobs required me to type extremely fast, I could type at 100 wpm. Within a few weeks I developed pretty bad RSI, so I had to slow right down, but it was fun for a while


      You want to get a hold of 'Mavis Beacon Teaches Typing' mate - Im sure its one of the best


        Where can I get Typing of the dead? I wanna play that game so bad!


          Originally posted by Resonance
          Where can I get Typing of the dead? I wanna play that game so bad!
          which version? dreamcast, ps2 or pc?

          most importers have it, just browse.


   has several typing games, including typing of the dead, for PC.


              Looks like I?ll have to give typing of the dead a try then

              The thing is I?m not slow at typing and I can type without having to look at the keys. I just find that my technique is poor and that most of my fingers simply hover above the keys rather than resting on the keyboard, which can become tiring after typing for some time. I'd like to learn a good basic technique so my awkward style doesn't become the norm.


                I think Mavis Beacon or one of the others is better for teaching proper touch typing...typing of the dead will just be more fun for practicing.
                I just learned it from playing Quake 2 etc. online, the less time you spend typing messages the better!


                  I was a 40 a minute guy when i used to do admin work but id rather use my finger tips and just go at my own pace

                  more like 15 a minute now,


                    i learned to touch type whilst hanging out on the ntsc-uk channel on quakenet, I didnt really make a particular effort to do it just one day I suddenly realised I could.


                      For me, my sister and many of my mates, it seemed that chatting on MSN was the main thing that made us touch-typers and pretty competent at that as well. Giving us the internet and allowing us to IM has made our typing skills much better. Typing of the dead is good, but gets hard and somewhat boring after a while. I think I found it a tiny bit hard.


                        If you want to learn how to type properly, get yourself Mavis Beacon

                        It will be better for your hands in the long run


                          Mavis is doing a grand job so far! And I typed all this without looking once at the keyboard and with no mistakes!


                            Mavis is a slag.

                            Typing of the dead as Pete said will teach you HARD.

                            I can pump out the text - even pissed 8)


                              Originally posted by Mus
                              If you want to learn how to type properly, get yourself Mavis Beacon

                              It will be better for your hands in the long run
                              i'll second that.. Mavis is a good application to use for teaching touch typing.... I learn't the hard way on an old typewriter with no letters on the keys! old skool.. hehe

