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Just a quick DS question

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    Just a quick DS question

    Easy all, I'm looking to buy a NDS, but some of the titles that I've been looking out for dont seem to have release dates in the west. So does anyone know if I'm just looking in the wrong places or some of the AAA titles are already being ignored?

    So does anyone know when these will be released:

    - Jam With The Band
    - Electroplankton
    - Goemon: Mystical Ninja
    - Egg Monster Hero

    Thank you very much in advance

    P.S Sorry for the 'newbie-ish' post.

    I very much doubt you will see either Electro or Egg Monster in the west. Sorry I can't be of more help Nanostray is out though.


      None of them have any definite Western release date yet, though I believe Nintendo are looking to release all of them at some point here.

      Waiting for Jam with the Band seemingly forever recently prompted me to just find a used copy from the nice people here instead.
      Lie with passion and be forever damned...


        My Bad. They are both on gamerankings, so looks promising at some unknown point.


          I thought konami said they have no plans in bringing goemon ds to the west.


            I dont get Konami sometimes there porting decisions are retarded most of the time.


              Egg Monster Hero is on pre order at VGP and is penned for a Sept 1st release....


                Egg Monsters is looking very unlikely to come out now, Square-Enix were originally gonna release all their DS games in the West but Egg Monsters was scheduled for a March '05 US release and has since dissapeared off almost all release schedules, similar to the situation with the DS Gundam game too.

                Goeman looks very uncertain for a Western release too, Konami may eventually decide to localise it but it certainly seems like a low priority, maybe once Castlevania and Lost in Blue get released they might give Goeman the green light.

                Electroplankton and Band Bros are both announced by Nintendo for US releases, Band Bros has fallen off the radar but it may still get a western release, it took Nintendo ages to localise Donkey Konga (for example) if I remember rightly. Electroplankton seems to be penciled in for an October/November US release so not too far off.

