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Gamecube RGB modification

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    Gamecube RGB modification

    does this have to be done to an offical cable or can you mod third party ones to output RGB on a NTSC machine?

    also anyone know any sites as to where i can find out how to do this with pictures as i wouldnt mind giving it ago myself.

    You need to modify either an official high definition cable, or official component cable.


      cheers man, if i get the offical RGB scart cable is there any where you know that does the modification or any sites that show me how to do it?


        Originally posted by gossi the dog
        You need to modify either an official high definition cable, or official component cable.
        Is that HD cable just the same as a standard Component cable?


          No. The high def cable plugs directly into a single high definition port on your telly. The component cables plug into the componet ports on your telly and there are three of them. I believe that high definition cables can carry a better picture than component cables but with the GC there is little difference in quality (both will give you prog scan).


            I didn't actually know about this cable... so it's essentially a DVI? (or HDMI, same difference).

            I assume I can use this cable on my PAL machine, with Qoob installed forced into 480p?

            (Apologies for hi-jacking the thread =/ ).
            Last edited by sj33; 04-08-2005, 18:47.


              The D-terminal cable is componet, but in a single plug. A bit like we have RGBs in a single plug (scart).
              It is still component though, and the better cable for doing the mod.


                The d-terminal connector is common in Japan.
                The best guide for the conversion was at but that seems to be down or has gone completely. Try here.


                  I've put it up here along with pin out details here. Thanks to funky327 of for having them around.

