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Xbox screen resolution through component

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    Xbox screen resolution through component

    Sorry for all the questions guys its just im getting my first plasma and want as much info as poss

    right im sure i read somewhere that you can set the screen res form the microsoft dash , how is this done and can it only be done onec set up to a certain screen via components , i mean you can mess around with screen res while connected to a 4.3 CRT for instance ?

    also is the screen res adjustable through the EVOX DASH on a chipped box

    Many thanks

    Hi again Trev,

    If you want to enable the progressive scan options but don't yet have your plasma/ comp cables you can do this (assuming you can connect to your crt using the composite leads that came with your Xbox):

    i) boot into EvoX and change the video mode to NTSC (using Enigmah Video Switch)
    ii) reboot your Xbox and go into the normal MS Dashboard (chip disabled)
    iii) go into the video options and you should see the option to enable 480p, 720p & 1080i

    NB if you're using an RGB scart lead you won't see the prog scan options - must be the composite lead.

    Probably not worth enabling any of the options until you get your new set up though.



      480p/720p/1080i options will only appear if you have component leads connected, otherwise they are greyed out.


        ahh got ya , thanks for alll your help mark so even if i boot while mod chip is off and in NTSC mode it still stays in NTSC after the Enigmah region switch ? cool


          Be warned that most plasmas can only offer 480p, It'll downscale 720p & 1080i. It'll look good but won't be true 720p & 1080i.
          At least, this is my understanding. People, feel free to step in and correct me.
          Would you not be better off with an LCD TV?


            depends on the plasmas native resolution, lots of old ones are only 480p yeah but newer ones have higher native resolutions, mine is 720p native.


              Originally posted by trev1976
              ahh got ya , thanks for alll your help mark so even if i boot while mod chip is off and in NTSC mode it still stays in NTSC after the Enigmah region switch ? cool
              No worries Trev.

              Sorry I've given you a bit of duff info. Freddo's right, the prog scan options aren't displayed with a composite lead plugged in so you'll need to wait for your new equipment to try things out I'm afraid. I've just checked it out to be certain (could've sworn I'd done it fine in the past...)

              I've also double checked what I was saying about booting in NTSC mode with the mod disabled and it works as I said. After switching to NTSC mode & disabling the mod I no longer get the PAL 60 option etc. With my component lead plugged in I also get the prog scan options still, so you'd be able to run your PAL games in 480p with the mod off.

              Almost all Xbox games display in 480p and there are only a dozen or so that have a 720p option included (only 2 or 3 of which are worth getting). Watch out for PAL Electronic Arts games though as some will not run in 480p as they check to ensure the EEPROM is set to PAL mode (Fight Night Round 2 for starters).

              Here's a list of games of games that support 720p etc. (also tells which include 5.1 support):

              Last edited by tom-nook; 24-08-2005, 16:36.


                Are Plasma TV's actually any good really when it comes to playing games,i know that LCD is better,im right in saying that LCD's are more expensive whilst Plasma has dropped in price,is this right??

                I still use a 37" Toshiba CRT which ive had for 4 years,and just can't see how much better you can get really,and what does HDTV offer that Plasma does'nt??

                I allways think that any widescreen TV under 32" looks a bit rubbish,what do you guys use for playing games on?


                  I've been playing on my PDP for last three years and have no issue...
                  it beats to playing while lying on the couch or floor - thanks to wireless pad - and play on 42" screen with 5.1 setup...
                  However I'm not heavy gamer and probably played around 15-20 hours per week before my kid was born and now probably 1-2 hours per week if I got lucky...


                    Originally posted by dj898
                    I've been playing on my PDP for last three years and have no issue...
                    it beats to playing while lying on the couch or floor - thanks to wireless pad - and play on 42" screen with 5.1 setup...
                    However I'm not heavy gamer and probably played around 15-20 hours per week before my kid was born and now probably 1-2 hours per week if I got lucky...
                    Sounds good,i think sometimes the change in technology with TV's and other consumer electronics gets pretty tiresome after a while,you buy something one year,pay good money only to find out it will be outdated in a years time,as much as im interested in HDTV technology,im just not prepared to pay silly money for what is material in life,sorry i know it sounds a bit moany,i'll stick with what i have for now.


                      dunno what's with us, aussies but we tend to pick up new and latest technologies pretty quick.
                      DVD took off like you wouldn't believe - only few years ago DVD was hard to come by but now after 3 years it's actually hard to find VHS copy than DVD release...

                      We've had Digital Free to Air Broadcasting since 2000 and now it's pretty much full on with all channels offering their programs in DTV plus a lot of them are in 1080i broadcasting - last one I was StarWars Episode II in 1080i with 5.1DD...
                      though I have my doubt that our feds will turn off analogue TV at 2008 as planned... probably several more years...
                      but the intake of DTV and HDTV has been quite strong especially last year or two...


                        I currently have a third party Hi-Def pack and have access to the NTSC dash but no matter what settings I try, including switching between 50 and 60 Hz, the picture always looks worse than it did on my old CRT using S-Video. The TV I've now got is a Samsung LE32R41BD.

                        Can anybody recommend how I should set mine up to get the most out of games I still play on the Xbox that aren't BC, should all the resolution options be ticked?

                        Should I replace the third party HD pack with the official one (if I can find one)?


                          That's not hugely suprising, many people do feel CRT's are far superior for standard definition stuff like XBox.

                          People go on about 480p, but the fact is it's only a slight improvement, same resolution and depending on your TV's handling of interlaced content, may not look much better.


                            Originally posted by MJ View Post
                            I currently have a third party Hi-Def pack and have access to the NTSC dash but no matter what settings I try, including switching between 50 and 60 Hz, the picture always looks worse than it did on my old CRT using S-Video. The TV I've now got is a Samsung LE32R41BD.

                            Can anybody recommend how I should set mine up to get the most out of games I still play on the Xbox that aren't BC, should all the resolution options be ticked?

                            Should I replace the third party HD pack with the official one (if I can find one)?
                            You have to enable the 720p or 1080i option, and the only way you will see anything in 720p is if you are using a modified dashboard like xbmc. Most games run in 480p only.The main xbox dash I think only runs in 480i.


                              Try something like MX vs ATV for 720p option.

