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XBOX Now or XBOX 360

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    XBOX Now or XBOX 360

    Should i trade in my gamecube and about 5 games including res 4 (finished it about 4 times now ) and killer 7 (good but can not save the cube) plus not into the zelda games (flame all you want )

    so should i trade it in for a xbox or wait till the 360 is released

    all ready have a ps2 and a good gaming pc

    My advice would be trade in cube as quickly as posible whilst prices still hold, especially for those games too. Grab your self a credit note/deposit against the xbox 360.
    Main reason being xbox360 is gonna be VERY TIGHT at xmas, so even if get it and end up not gelling with it, you could end up being able to sell it for more than you got it for and then just grab an xbox.


      Hmm, keep the cube, surely there are good games coming out for it, and there is a great, and let's not forget cheap, back catalogue for it.

      I say save, start saving and keep saving, keep the GC and get a 360. Mind you, if you can hold off, and want to get a revolution, you'll be able to play all those GC games no problems, so hmm...

      ... If you're getting a revolution and can watch all those good GC games go by, then sell it and get a 360! ;P


        If you really don't want your Cube, now is the time to get rid of it, as prices are only going to go down. You might not even get enough for it now to make it worthwhile.

        I'm not one for selling consoles personally. If I bother to buy a game, then I already know it's a keeper, and the gamer in me can't bear to part with a console... but each to our own.

        It's only worth getting an XBox at this stage if your into the homebrew side of things, as the 360 will have partial compatibility with XBox software, compatibility which will improve all the time as Microsoft release emulation updates and profiles.


          nips what good gc games are they then

