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Esp Ra. De. (or however you spell it)

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    Esp Ra. De. (or however you spell it)

    I've been playing this game quite a bit recently, but my scores have always been really shizer. I watched the demo that rolls whilst the machine (or xbox in this case) is inactive, and noticed that you can get multipliers by killing enemies using your B button shot followed by the normal A shot. Now my scores are improving, but I'm still not entirely sure how the mulitpliers work. There's just a few things I need some shmup god to clear up:

    - How exactly does the multiplier work? Is it on you proximity to the enemies when you kill them, i.e. the closer you are, the more points?

    - I think that the multiplier earned on one enemy apllies to all other enemies and bonuses on screen at the same time. Is that right?

    - The introduction segment tells you to use you B button "wisely, for you only have one." This can't be the case, surely. Or is the B shot replenished after getting multipliers or something like that?

    - I'm also a bit unsure how the force field woks you can use that a few times, but where is the indicator as to how many times you can use it?

    Thats all I can think of for now, but I'm sure further play will result in my having no clue about something.

    sorry to go slightly OT but (and similar games like strikers 1945) work ok on a modded box with mame???


      Don't think they work with MAME, but Final Burn has a smaller core, so larger ROMS can be played. But only CPS2 ROMS.


        ESP Ra De doesn't work on the original build of MAME-X (0.61), but as Ted says it works perfectly on Final Burn.

        About that multiplier:

        Seit 40 Jahren auf dem Markt. Grosse Auswahl an Automaten und Zubehör. Geräte können in unserem Laden vor dem Kauf probegespielt werden. Auch Revisio…

        I always forget how it works myself and end up re-reading this page over and over :-) Theres also a secret button combination which you use to start the game which lets you view your current multiplier.

        Loads of info on other cave games too.


          Thats fantastic bro. nice one.


            The force field C button attack has a green bar at the bottom of the screen which decreases when you use it or hold it down for the shield.

            Again, the link above has more detailed info.


              Again, cheers mate, that site is excellent for my FBA shooter queries.


                Originally posted by $h@d0w
                ESP Ra De doesn't work on MAME-X yet, but as Ted says it works perfectly on Final Burn.
                It does work on MAME-X, thats what I use to run it.


                  It wouldn't run on my MAME-X, and I know others who it definitely hasn't worked at all for. Everyone I know with MAME-X in fact. I'm just very grateful to Saur for sorting me out, the game is fantastic.


                    If you press 'b' when in mame-x the emulator chages to CPS and NeoGeo support only, so some of the larger games work. But Final Burn is best for the CPS2 stuff.

