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Recording users login times in Win2003

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    Recording users login times in Win2003

    Can anyone recomend anything to record users login and logout times?

    I know Server 2003 records the last login times, but i need to do a weekly report on it, so its not realy suitable.

    Thanks for any recomendations


    type in 'eventvwr' in the start\run or a command prompt.

    Then click on the 'Security log' node in the left pane. On the right you have a list of all logins and logoffs.

    You can export it to a text file too.


      Cheers, anything more automated, so as not to make my job crappier by having to sift through the logs every day?


        Could easily be scripted and automated, nothing to make you do it manually....


          AFAIK domain-wide auditing is not possible, and it has to be enabled on a per-PC basis. Out of interest how comes you need the information, youd normally only be interested in failed attempts? You can block out logging on between times etc if thats part of the problem.


            Well although our Dev boys are working well over their hours in order to meet an investor milestone, our CEO who is in the office once a week, had decided he doesnt trust them anymore and they must be getting in late and buggering off early.

            So i need to "secretly" monitor their logging in/out times (Although i told the straight away)

            Its a fine example of how to totally disenfranchise your staff, who were previously giving the company about 150 hours of development time per week, for free.



              You gotta check the eventlog per PC then, at least you dont have to physically visit each pc just use local event viewer get the hostname and 'connect to another pc'. Sounds tedious though, good luck!


                My whole job is tedious at the moment, i dont have the rescouces to do my job effectively and because of a total lack of foresight and planning from certain departments i spend 90% clearing up other peoples mess.

                Eg: I had a long discussion with the Call Centre manager on friday reagarding at least 3 days notice for new starters so i could order PC's/Phones et al, no problem

                Then 1st thing Monday morning he comes into my office and says "Ive got 3 temps on ?10 an hour sat downstairs doing nothing, we need phones....."

                I have now given up trying to run things correctly, and i'm gonna piss about all day liek everyone else!


                  I assume you've enabled logon events (in attached pic), if so filter the security log file in event viewer so search for the users.
                  Attached Files

