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Flas Preloader

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    Flas Preloader

    Ive been learning how to make a preloader and all is going well. I can get the bar to move and the percentage up etc.

    But id like to have an animation playing. But i dont want this animation to loop, i want it to go in time with the preloader. So for example at 20% its showing frame 20 for the animation, at 50% its showing frame 50 and so on.

    But i cant work out how to do this or what code to use.

    Would it not be exactly the same as the preloading bar? Execept instead of a preloading bar you would have your animation?


      No, because the loading bar is a bit of code that works out how big the bar should be. I can place an animation into the preloader but it then either stops when its run out of frames, doesnt finish if the loader finishes first or loops.


        Can you use the variable which is telling the bar to be 1% or 2% to goto frame 1 or 2 of your animation? Then all you have to do is have an animation which is 100 frames long.


          I couldnt work out how to do that, as the bar is using a scale code so is scaling the bar depending on percentage. Wouldnt know what the code would be to make it go to a certain frame at a certain percentage.


            Post the code please

