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Need help adding RGB to a PCE Duo-R

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    Need help adding RGB to a PCE Duo-R

    Hey there, I was just wondering how you can improve the picture quality on a Duo-R?

    I know people have mixed views on modding consoles, some are all for it and some are not but for me personally, I'd like to sharpen the image and add a little more colour definition to my games.

    The image I have now is very good but not awesome, some of the colours look a bit bland in parts and compared to screenshots I've seen on the web of the games I have, I think things could look alot better.

    How difficult is it to do yourself, I successfully modded a UK MD to enable it to play in full screen and play any region game, so I do have some ( albeit slight ) experience of modification.

    The difference being that the UK MD cost me about ?3 at a car boot sale so ruining it didn't bother me. The flipside to that is that my virtually brand new, boxed Duo-R cost me about ?150 and tampering with it will undoubtably make me nervous. To be honest, it's NOT all about the money but it's about potentially messing up such a great example of a Duo-R.

    What should I do?

    "no guts, no glory" or "leave it alone and enjoy the gameplay"

    Last edited by VR46; 11-09-2005, 17:14.

    Go for the RGB mod. I did mine and it's great.


      Well i dont own a duo just a teeny tiny original white pce with briefcase cd setup & the picture through composite is pretty ropey. I took the plunge & got it converted to rgb & the picture was outstanding bright/clear & sharp.

      Sadly as a weird side effect the cd audio wouldnt come through the cable just chip music due to some weirdness in the briefcade interface unit. Easily remied by plugging the stereo phono cables from the interface into a speaker setup.


        Originally posted by importaku
        Sadly as a weird side effect the cd audio wouldnt come through the cable just chip music due to some weirdness in the briefcade interface unit. Easily remied by plugging the stereo phono cables from the interface into a speaker setup.
        Hmmm is that a normal thing to happen with the white PCE briefcase setup? I had mine modded at ACE consoles in Carnaby Street, London and when I got it home it acted in exactly the same way as yours. I eventually went to take it back to be looked at but the bloody shop isn't there anymore, grrrr. I've had it all boxed up for about 2 years now thinking there was something wrong with it.


          Nope its normal for a briefcase setup. Its just the way the mod is done inside the pce.

          I think that mod is just if your going to have the pce on its own.

          The sound acts differently when its interfaced with the cd rom. There is a different mod you can do for briefcase setups but its just easier to plug the phono out plugs to some speakers.


            Same happens with Super CD-Rom2, you gotta connect it to a sound source independantly to get CD Audio.

            One presumes its possible to mod the Breifcase Interface to RGB?

            I actually really like the composite picture it provides:yes:


              Hmm in pretty sure you might be able to, i have seen a mod done to a briefcase setup but it didnt look too neat. they removed the phono inputs on the right hand side & put a din plug in.


                Gaaah and here's me thinking after all this time that they ballsed it up Cheers for clearing that one up for me. Hmm while the briefcase setup looks nice it all seems a bit awkward hooking it up to some speakers for the sound. Maybe I'll pick up a Duo instead.


                  RGB mod on a Duo R...I need help please

                  Ahhhhh, I'm getting more confused now than I was before. I hope somebody can help me out once and for all. What I need to know is:

                  When a PCB DIN socket is advertised as say, 4x way or 6x way or 8x way for example, what is meant by 'way'

                  Would I right in thinking that if I need to replace the original Duo R DIN 5 for a new DIN 8 so that I can add RGB to it, would an '8x way DIN' be what I'm looking for?

                  Also, does anyone know what size DIN is required for an RGB mod on a Duo R...normal or mini?

                  On the web I've seen advertisements for '8 way, PCB mini DIN socket'

                  Is that what I want?

                  Also, ( and I'm guessing Saurian & m0nk3y might be able to shed some more light on it...cheers guys so far ) I understand that the desired outcome is to have three new wires coming from the Huxxxx video chip into the new DIN 8 on the R, G & B prongs but how many wires will there be in total going into the DIN 8 once EVERYTHING is done?

                  Do you: remove the old DIN 5, note the positions of the wires going into that so that you can mirror them on the new DIN 8 then add the extra 3 for R, G, & B or is it just them three alone or is it something else?

                  Thanks again fellas, I appreciate any further info on this subject.


