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Age of Empires III demo

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    Age of Empires III demo

    Anyone know what the specs are, I can't find them


      I've got a 3 Gig P4 with 512 Meg of DDR 400 and a 9800 XT and i run it at 1280x1024, full detail and full AA, if thats any help to you.

      Tbh when i was looking at screen shots i did'nt think i'd have a chance at running it like that!

      Demo itself is pretty cool, just seems the graphics are the main thing at the mo as it plays very similar to previous games.


        Cheers! Downloading..


          Downloading now... Looking forward to seeing the changes!


            This won't run for me. I've installed it on my laptop which has 512mb of RAM and a AMD Athlon 64 bit 3400+ processor with a ATi Radeon Xpress 200M. When I first run the demo it says that I don't meet the minimum required processor (1.8 says mine is a 0.8) so I attempt to run it. Then an error box comes up saying - graphics hardware not found, ram not found etc etc.

            Any ideas?


              I've tried it out, and the new campaign objectives seem good. Instead of just the standard build and conquer, one of the trial missions has you setting up trading posts along a trade route.

              The unit animations and building damage effects are impressive. It's great seeing huge chunks of a building fly off after it's hit by cannon fire. I also like how much there was to do on the map, with tresaures dotted around the map to discover.

              I'm not sure if I'll pick this up at launch. I'm looking forward to Supreme Commander more - AoE 3 doesn't seem to be moving the genre along that much. What impressions did the rest of you get?


                quite good, but i wont be buying it at launch. I hate the skirmish "whip-a-thon" that every RTS game has still. Why cant they sort it out so that only a robot can compete with AI.


                  Originally posted by rjwtaylor
                  The unit animations and building damage effects are impressive. It's great seeing huge chunks of a building fly off after it's hit by cannon fire. I also like how much there was to do on the map, with tresaures dotted around the map to discover.
                  I love the way the mill blades fall off and the blades spin faster or slower depending on the momentum. You can see its a pre rendered animation but still its nice.

