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    I emailed them the other day to see where my order was and I rec'd a reply in 10 mins explaining it was a bank holiday in canada thats why there was a delay.

    Personally I have never had a problem with VG+.


      sorry to hear you're having problems, but I've had no worries with VG+ (No , I don't work for them).


        Sydney got back to me today, he's spoken to the management and he's sent another copy which should take 4-7 days, he said he'd contact me again to make sure it turns up - but he didn't explain why it took so long to get a reply (just over a month in total, and 5 e-mails from me), but i notice the reply was to one of my first e-mails so maybe they have a big old backlog and he's yet to read my more angry ones (like the one i posted yesterday).

        actually, maybe i should do a shawshank redeption and write him 2 e-mails every week until he sends me the entire back catalogue of DS games... (just kidding).

        Only problem is i already went and got nintendogs from play-asia as i assumed i'd never hear back from him. so i'll have three copies (wife already has one too). I'll be sure to do a Retro Quiz on the forums at some point once the prize arrives..


          I personally have had a bad experience in the past with VG+s ebay shop. I remember ordering Animal Crossing from it years ago and it took just short of a month to show up APPARENTLY they spent the time running a check on my credit card

          They might have ok-ish prices, but I'd put my money on full price games anyday, if I had faith in them showing up.


            I just asked him if they had other delivery options with insurance etc, and he replied in 4 minutes :P

