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Supergun Joysticks

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    Supergun Joysticks

    Just dug out an old supergun system I've had hanging about for ages but I can't seem to find the joypad I used to have for it anywhere!

    Anyway, do any of you guys know a good place to get a replacement? There are a couple of joypads on ebay but I'm after a decent stick preferebly.

    Cheers in advance.

    Neo Geo joystick?


      This may not be as easy as you think unfortunately..... Superguns are wired differently when it comes to sticks etc... Most are wired for Neo sticks NOT ALL! Try before you buy if possible?


        D?oh! I was afraid of that.

        A Neo stick would be ideal for my needs but I?m pretty sure my supergun doesn?t have the correct controller ports.


          Buy a dreamcast stick and wire it up yourself, dead easy if you know the pin outs for your supergun.


            I'd do just that but I have feck all technical know how when it comes to these sorts of things. Also, I'm allergic to anything that requires the use of a soldering iron.

            Luckily Raven Games do a conversion service. So hopefully I'll be able to get those fellers to sort it out for me.

