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Please tell me its a f**king joke.

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    Please tell me its a f**king joke.

    After having played about 40 hours of Morrowind GOTY on the Xbox, I have just killed something i needed to but failed to pick up the item before leaving the chamber and returning. This is one of the main quest items. am I to believe that I cannot pick this item anywhere else in the game, therefore I have just wasted 40 hours of my life and the game is f**ked?

    Please someone tell me I am incorrect and give me pointers before I jump out of my office window.


    Moral of the story: never play games at work.


      playing at home, thinking about it at work


        obvious reply, but you checked the FAQ's over on gamefaqs ?


          If it's been more than three "game days" then the body will likely have disappeared...

          This is why it's strongly recommended to use multiple saves in Morrowind in a rotation. (I did a "week" rotation, saving each day, then saving over the first on the 8th etc)

          This can be fixed by using the editor or console codes on the PC version, unfortunately nothing can be done on Xbox.

          Even if you have lost it, there are other ways of completing the main quest. In Morrowind, it's a good idea not to kill any NPC unless you have to. GameFAQs will probably be able to help you out.

          Even if you did have to start over (unlikely) it plays rather differently, depending on what your character is like. You can't complete the game 100% with just one character (without cheating) and I myself literally spent thousands of hours with the game. I still don't think I've done everything/seen all there is to see yet. I ended up selling my Xbox a while back and stopped playing, but have been very tempted to get it again, but I'm holding off for Oblivion now. Stick with it, it's definitely worth it.


            thanks for the help guys, the NPC was a wraith that I had to kill, I usually try to avoid unecessary slaughter for this very reason. i'm totally gutted. lesson learned.


              is there any reason at all not to create a new save every single time? I generally do, its unlikely you'll ever manage to fill your xbox hardrive anyway.


                again, its a great point which i'll certainly do in the future..... f**k it, it's the weekend.





                    IIRC, you CAN tweak Xbox saves... one of the filesize pruners revives a lot of NPCs as a side-effect of its trimming process.


                      can you tell me how to do this???


                        It's been an age - I haven't played Morrowind for years - iirc, you need to FTP the save over to PC, run the streamliner, and dump it back...

                        Have a Google I'm a bit busy at work at the mo so can't really myself...


                          thanks for the help, although what you've suggested is so far beyond my technical ability its not even funny. and i don't have a pc. thanks though.
                          Last edited by gardy09; 09-09-2005, 15:32.


                            lo gardy,

                            what exactly was the quest/task you were on, and what was the item you needed?

                            btw only 40 hours, pfftt, still early days in the game :P


                              Originally posted by Freddo
                              is there any reason at all not to create a new save every single time? I generally do, its unlikely you'll ever manage to fill your xbox hardrive anyway.
                              It's been suggested that having multiple Xbox Morrowind saves can be one of the (many) things that causes the game to crash. Not sure whether that's true or not, but I've seen it mentioned in a few different places.

