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Matrix Infinity questions

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    Matrix Infinity questions

    Evening all

    Pending payment i have a Matrix Infinity chip on its way which im going to put into my Sakura pink Jpn PS2. Will this,once modded,play PAL dvd's,as i know there is some sort of cafuffle regarding a buffer or something when playing PAL discs,due to the extra lines or something?

    Here's the website,which says it does/will,but do i take that as when modding a PAL version?

    Also for someone with little to no soldering experience,but willing to try,am i going to find it hard to do?


    i'm pretty good at soldering - i do xboxes nad stuff like that, and my ps2 took me ages. i bought a tiny tip for my soldering iron (0.1mm) which, during the modding, eroded and i had to put my original (0.5mm) tip back on!

    i managed to chip it in the end, but i hadn't placed the wires properly (the chips are VERY fussy about wire placement, and certain wires cannot be crossed with others or else you get problems like blank screens and things like that) so had to redo the whole thing but placed the wires perfectly and have had no problems since then.

    i didn't use an infinity - i used the o2mod - but my chip's wiring is identical. i'd recommend practicing on something like an old stick of ram to get a feel for it, but it's not too difficult as long as you take your time. and be prepared for lots of opening and closing of the ps2 to test it out!

    regarding the buffer, i've never heard about this but then i've never tried it either. seeing as the pal ps2's do ntsc as well, i'd assume the ntsc machine can also output pal if need be but i'm not 100% sure of this.

    i'd think that, rather than it being a buffer issue, it would be because the frame rates for ntsc and pal dvds differ, causing jerkiness if playing the dvd at the wrong rate (50hz/60hz). watching us/jap dvds in 50hz causes jerkiness, but i find watching uk stuff in 60hz is even worse.

    i googled and found this (

    "just tried out jap PS2 with PAL uk demo cd and a game cd and they work

    i used old tv that only does 50hz and thu the composit AV my jap ps2
    gave full colour screen


    quite. but his comment suggests pal compatibility with games at least.

    and i found this

    which is the google cache's version of the page which doesn't exist anymore so the links inside don't work
    Last edited by randombs; 11-09-2005, 21:36.


      A modded JPN machine will play PAL games, but not DVD films.

      A modded PAL machine though, will play everything.


        Last time I modded a JP PS2 (quite some time ago now) it wouldn't play any PAL DVDs. Apparently something to do with NTSC PS2s having a smaller video frame buffer for DVD playback, which isn't enough for a PAL resolution image.

        For the Infinity, just try to keep the wires as short as possible; I'd say the ideal chip placement would be close to the BIOS chip (where most of the wires go). Use thicker/multistrand wires for Ground, +5V and the Clock (Y) signal. Kynar is fine for the rest.

        You'll almost certainly find the soldering very tricky, so take your time and go carefully.

        IIRC the Sakura PS2s were all V7 boards which, fortunately, are the easiest of all.


          Thanks for the help guys. I thought as much regarding the PAL dvd's,as i researched getting my original Q modded and came up against the same thing.
          Getting a bit jittery about it tbh,wonder if its too big a job to take on? Guess ill know when i go up in a puff of smoke!


            you could buy a duff board off someone and practice on that. i got one for a tenner off ebay a while back and practiced on that first.

            mind you, as long as you've got steady hands and a good eye you'll be fine. don't forget to use flux or else you'll run into problems. oh, and make sure you get 'no-clean' flux - mine is regular and i didn't know you have to clean it off when i made some saturn chips earlier this year. i looked at them recently and they'd all got mouldy! regular flux needs to be cleaned properly with rubbing alcohol which would cause problems for the more delicate solder points.

            oh, and those pics on the internet are SUPER ZOOMED!!!

            good luck, though.

            and if you're worried, i've got a mate who chipped his own ps2 with a 'scoldering iron'. only after he chipped it (successfully i might add) did he realise he's been saying it wrong.


              just pay for a proffesional job mate, there are a few places that will provide the chip, labour and return postage for about ?70.

              and i'd stick with pal for the infinity chip.


                Why's that,the PAL thing? Does it not work so well with NTSC PS2's?



                  hope this helps nick


                    Cheers dude. Says there even a soldering novice can do it. Sounds like fun!


                      As far as soldering goes as long as you can make the connections secure i doubt you would have any problems.Which unfortunetly i cannot so i bought a premodded ps2.

                      just saw this

                      dont know much about v12 dead beef syndrome
                      Last edited by eastyy; 12-09-2005, 11:17.


                        ps2 chipping isn't that hard but i have modded my v4 pal machine with a messiah chip which was tricky to do back then as there was what 23 wires ?

                        just take you time and you should be fine

