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Internet Explorer 6 Problems

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    Internet Explorer 6 Problems

    Right ill try explain this best i can so here goes.

    When i visit a web page lets say here for example and i click on a thread, i read the thread and close the website down, go back later and if the thread has new posts i have to refresh the page to see them, and if i dont just shows the newest post that i looked at last time. can get highly anoying as it does it with nearly every website.

    Anyone had this problem and know how to fix it??


    You probably need to clear your cache as IE is pretty stupid and doesn't really reload new pages sometimes. Try clearing your cache/offline pages etc and see if that helps. Aside from that - use Firefox!


      If you go into Internet Options via the "Tools" menu in IE then hit Settings under the Temporary Internet Files section there is a Check for newer versions of pages property. Might just be that.


        Thanks Guys got it sorted


          Originally posted by shuzo
          Aside from that - use Firefox!
          Seconded. It's better and safer in every way than IE.
          I used to resist change to my browser but now I'd never go back.

          Go to Mozilla and at least give it a try - it's free.


            I have a problem with Firefox on some sites:
            On pages with a lot of flash and other graphic-intense gimmicks, for example, certain elements of the website begin to flicker very heavily all over the screen, while waiting for the page to completely load. It is very annoying, but only occurs on overloaded sites like gamespot or ign. However, when using the IE the flickering does not happen.

            Is there are a way to stop this from happening?


              What version of Firefox are you using Balou? I think thisis a javascript problem and is taken care of in the latest versions - 1.06 is out now so you should try that. I did used to notice this problem but it hasnt bothered me lately.


                I haven't had this problem at all myself (been with Firefox since 1.01 or 1.02 I think).


                  I?m currently running Firefox 1.0.6, so I guess maybe it has something to do with my settings:
                  I have Javascript enabled, but Java disabled. In the advanced Javascript settings I have the first and last option checked, everything else is disabled. (I think this are standard settings)

                  My computer is also a bit out-of-date (PIII 650)... So maybe it cannot process all those graphics fast enough and position them correctly?

