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Transfering movies to PSP memory stick?

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    Transfering movies to PSP memory stick?

    I've encoded an episode of Extras to use as a test to se if im on the right track,using ffmpegx.

    I then created a folder MP_ROOT/100MNVO1 and put the file in there,yet it doen't show on the PSP menu.

    Any ideas as to what i'm doing wrong?

    Hi Nick,

    Might just be a typo but did you create the folder as MP_ROOT/100MNVO(letter 'O')1 rather than MP_ROOT/100MNV0(zero)1. If you did try changing it to end '0(zero)1' as it needs to be named that way for your PSP to recognise it - assuming your MP4 file is ok then you should hopefully be in business.


    Edit: you may have seen it already but there is quite a good guide in the PSP encoding thread that shows you how the folders need to be structured etc. on your stick:
    Last edited by tom-nook; 16-09-2005, 20:15.


      Thanks Mark but still no joy. It'll just be in Video on the PSP menu right?

      EDIT- Think i have sussed it. Once i encoded the file it was renamed a load of letters and numbers and i thought this was going to be confusing so i renamed the file Extras. Think this messed it up as i just read the NTSC PSP archive and Neil Mcrae mentions this in there.
      Last edited by Pavey; 16-09-2005, 20:17.


        Yeah you should just see it under Video on your PSP.

        I added a link to my 1st reply that might help. If your folders are structured the same way as shown then I'd guess it's your MP4 that's the prob (possibly just the way it's named?). You could always try viewing it with Quicktime to see if it plays ok.


          Thanks very much. Re-encoding something to see if the naming of the file was/is the problem.

          Hopefully that's it.


            Yeah the way it wants things labelled is a bit of a pain. It might be possible to just rename the file manually without having to re-encode it all over again (takes flippin' ages).

            Good luck with it!


              If you`ve got the lastest version of ffmpegx, it has a preset for psp encoding. It also lets you name the file for use with the psp in the options tab


                So i encoded the movie,transfered it to the memory stick and it shows up on the psp screen.

                However when i go to play it the psp says "this movie cannot be played".

                Any ideas? The subfix is MP4.


                  Are you using the default psp setting in ffmpegx? I have seen a bug where I dragged the file I wanted to encoded into the drop box then selected psp from the preset list, then I think I clicked encode too quickly before the settings had fully changed because I ended up with a file like yours that showed up but wouldn`t play. It turned out the resolution was wrong. Apart from that I haven`t ever had a problem with the program, its worked with everything I`ve encoded.

                  Have you tried iPSP? It`s a bit simpler

                  e- how rude...tut tut
                  Last edited by Space Monkey; 11-10-2005, 19:02.


                    Any use:

                    I guess its more for copying a DVD into PSP movie files but it seems to cover some aspects.

