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Step down converter needed for Xbox 360

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    Step down converter needed for Xbox 360


    I have checked the FAQ, and it doesn't help me on this.

    I need a step down converter as i am importing a US XBOX 360 console.

    I have no idea about Watts or anything, so any help would be appreciated. Also of note, i would preferably like to buy from or liksang.

    Thanks a bundle!

    You are best off waiting till we know the exact spec of the 360.
    However, the 300VA version of this should be ok - better safe than sorry.

    Thanks for the mario DDR pics for the translation btw (see homepage in case you havent noticed already).


      Yeah i know that it probably is better, but i am an impatiant bastard Nah, i just want to get ready before it comes, so that i don't have to sit around and just look!

      And that 300V wont blow anything up?

      Yeah i saw, No worries! And thank You. It really helps! There are just so many things now that I know that make the game so much more enjoyable. I can now actually see what i am doing wrong in my score, among other things! Thanks a lot, it is HIGHLY appreciated!



        It's 300VA (VxA=W). So 300W.

        The current Xbox needs 100W, so any stepdown above 100W should thoeretically work, although the higher the wattage of the stepdown transformer, the less hard and thus cooler it will run. We recommend 150W+ for the Xbox to be safe.

        The 360 will need higher wattage, so let's guess it requires 200W. So that 300VA version will work, but the 200VA will not.

        If it needs any more than 200W then we are all going to have to start saving up now, just to pay the leccy bill.


          So its safe to say this won't work?

          Do you know of any other websites, such as that sell these and ship to Australia?

          My local store sells this:

          and this:

          Would they work? Also, look at the price! That is VERY expensive.

          Please help!


            Originally posted by charlesr
            The 360 will need higher wattage,

