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Famicom query for pal tv

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    Famicom query for pal tv

    Hi there i have read all i can find on this site in regards to imported consoles.
    How ever i cannot find anything on being able to tune in a famicom NES on a pal telle,

    Can anyone help?
    is there a rf adaptor of somesort?

    thanks in advance!


    If its the first model type of famicom your going to have a hard time getting it tuned in as it only outputs rf. Very few uk tv's have ntsc compatability through the rf socket.

    Assuming your tv is compatible you will have a problem getting the picture & sound at the same time as they are on different frequencies, you will be able to tune your tv into the picture or the sound but not both together.

    You can get famicoms converted from rf to av though. or even converted to rgb but the mod is very complicated & requires lots of additional components for the rgb mod.

    The only person i know on these boards who knows how to do the av famicom mod is mofoman.



      Thanks heaps mate!
      Looks like ill just have to use mine as a ornament!


        You can try routing it through a VCR that supports NTSC video tapes... you might get a signal out from that to the TV. I've had a few friends get some success when trying to use other NTSC RF only consoles in the past.
        Lie with passion and be forever damned...


          Most of those still only have PAL tuners in them as they're only designed for recording PAL broadcast channels. If you REALLY need NTSC RF support, Mayhem's idea is along the right track - aside from a dedicated RF demodulator (which would probably give better picture quality), importing an NTSC VCR might be the best idea. Remember though that a lot of VCRs send the picture through a notch filter which will give a pretty drastic drop in vertical resolution.

