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Swap Magic/Fliptop help needed!....

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    Swap Magic/Fliptop help needed!....

    Ok so i bought a V4-V8 swapmagic fliptop on wednesday and received it yesterday.So i proceeded to install the fliptop,and the first problem i came across was that the tiny holes that hold the memory card retainer were a bit too far apart so i had to literally strecth the retainer so that it would sit on them.Thus the actual memory card flaps are'nt secure and they tend to get stuck.Fair enough,not a major problem i thought.

    Problem no.2.The casing does'nt actually fit onto my ps2 properly.Yep my ps2 is an 8 screw so this is the correct casing that i need but it just refuse's to go on properly with the right side raised up.Left side is fine but the right side at the front and back is permanently raised.I've tried pushing the front down but that raises the back more and vice versa.Once again i thought this would be ok.So i try it out to make sure it runs games allright,but the lens refuses to read anything.Every disc i tried,would just not run at all.I thought my ps2 was completely dead!

    So i decided to replace it with the original ps2 cover and see wether that would change anything and alas it works perfectly so what the hell is the problem with the fliptop? is it because the casing is'nt sitting properly that the lens is out of alignment? with Shadow of the colossus being delivered on monday,i'm desperate to get import games running on this.Anybody got any idea's or had this problem with the fliptop?

    I dont know how you had any problems dude, I read this thread like 30 minutes ago and hadnt tried mine yet so I just went and done it there and all is fine!

    Only reason it took so long as because I had to hunt high and low for a screwdriver small enough!

    Did you put all the screws back on the new lid? And make sure it was all snapped in properly with the spring coil too!? It doesnt flip up nicely like the proper lid does but you dont need to open it that way anyway so no big deal and sure it isn't as flush and nice as the proper lid but it all looks good and fits nice enough.

    I only have 6 screws on the bottom of my ps2 though,not 8 like you say though!?


      i must of fitted it about 5 times and the thing would just not fit properly.Major pain in the ass! you mentioned the spring coil...what spring coil?

      Also i thought there were only 8 screw PS2's and 10 screw PS2's.This is bizarre!


        has one of you got a ps2 and the other pstwo (slimline)?


          yea mines an old shape ps2.I believe rossco's is the same as he ordered the same one from the same site.
          Last edited by Akira; 23-10-2005, 17:47.


            Eh? No, I have the pstwo. I thought you did too!?

            I posted a newer link to the PStwo version cause I thought we were looking at the wrong one before and ordered this:

            You must have not seen me post the link then dude.

            Still no luck in getting it working then?


              no i totally missed that link! so what comes with PStwo version,just the flip-lid?

              Sweet F-all luck getting it to work i'm gonna send them an email and get my money back.I just won an auction on ebay for a chipped PS2 with 50 games,so that'll do me.


                So what version console do you have Akira?


                  50 games!!!


                  Yeh, you just get a new flip top lid which was easy as pie to install.

                  You got me all worried when I read your post too, hope you get your PS2 soon so you can enjoy the wonders of SotC like I will be in the morning!


                    Originally posted by lll_r0ssco_lll
                    50 games!!!


                    Yeh, you just get a new flip top lid which was easy as pie to install.

                    You got me all worried when I read your post too, hope you get your PS2 soon so you can enjoy the wonders of SotC like I will be in the morning!
                    man i knew this would happen! waiting is gonna be a bitch thats for sure.

                    fahrenheit: Mine's a V4.


                      Ok a bit OT but the guy i won the PS2 off on ebay has said to use this grey scart lead that's with the machine to play the games in full color.But i have an official PS2 scart cable so surely that would run the games in color anyway right? i mean this grey one he's talking about is bound to be a crappy composite/scart cable.

                      Can anyone confirm this,as i can't be doing with a ****ty picture.


                        I have had a third-party grey SCART cable since the PS1 and still use it now on my PS2. Its RGB. Your existing cable should be fine.

