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Rage of The Dragons quezza

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    Rage of The Dragons quezza

    Just realised this morning my Rage MVS cart resets regularly. I know why this is, and all that jazz, but can someone provide some info or linky telling me what I need to do to get it sorted. I am using an MV-1 mobo, btw.

    If it is too much hassle then I am going to get rid of it - it is hardly an essential fighter although it does look mighty purdy.

    Can't get onto either, before anyone says!!!

    Thanks guys


    its a problem with the cart, and your MV1C, you can fix the cart with a wire I believe

    ah sorry, its early, anyway, I think its a jumper maybe you need to resolder thinking about it, playmore setup the wrong jumper config on the pcb.

    it looks might purdy? lol .. hmm

    anyway, why can't you get into I saw you post there before, the technical section if you do a search is full of information on the ROTD problem.

    I'd just sell it and play kof98 giggle.
    Last edited by kernow; 28-10-2005, 12:32.


      My work internet blocks NGcom, dude. It now blocks guardster too - joy!

      Anyway, soldering is too much of a pain. Will get rid I reckon.


        Get Matrimelee, it pawns and has some ROTD *in* it.

