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GameCube/XBox VGA

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    GameCube/XBox VGA

    I am currently using a VD-Z3 Component-to-VGA transcoder to connect my GC and XBox to the VGA on my TV, and was satisfied.
    That is, until my Dreamcast VGA box came today... I can now see how awesome *true* VGA looks...

    So, I remember reading a while back that you can mod the D-Terminal cables to be VGA cables. Anyone here make these, or know where to buy them? I remember a few people selling them on here recently...
    I am aware they only work on Progressive Scan games - my modchip has Force 480p.

    As for the XBox... my modchip supports true VGA using a custom cable, there's a guide on how to make them on XBox-Scene, but I'm no good with getting my hands dirty that side of things. Anyone know where to get the custom made?

    Here's a couple of links to places you can buy modded GC VGA cables if you can't find someone here who makes one / has one for sale:

    I used to have one of the Ahead Games ones and didn't find the quality quite as good as through the official component leads though, so you might not see a huge improvement over your VD-Z3 (iirc the DC is the only console that has true VGA output).

    Out of curiostity which DC VGA box did you buy? I've got a 3rd party one that looks superb on my CRT monitor but pants on my LCD TV.



      I'm using the Blaze one

      There's another one out there that looks to be identical, but in different packing and without the Blaze sticker on it, no idea if it's the same internally mind.

      The unit looks the same, different packing and stuff. Probably the same, easier to find.

      Looks utterly fantastic, on par with my DVI-based upscaling DVD Player for sure.

      Ta for the links man. To be honest, if it's not actual true VGA then there's probably no point. Do these cables so some kind of conversion or something?


        There's a DAC chip in the component/D-terminal cables - the modded leads you see being sold involve forcing the DAC to output an RGB signal rather than component.

        I'd be very surprised if you noticed much of a difference between your existing component transcoder and a modded VGA lead.

        BTW, I agree - the DC looks amazing through VGA, I was more impressed with the DC through VGA than I was with the Cube.

        @tom nook: Since the DC outputs VGA natively, there should be very little difference in quality between different VGA boxes. The reason the signal looks so poor on an LCD screen is because the image is being scaled digitally.


          Thanks for the info Yod@, maybe I'll give it a miss. Was just a little excited about the idea of proper VGA on the GameCube as opposed to transcoded Component.
          Always found it wierd the Digital out on the GameCube was never actually used for anything digital...

          The thing about DC VGA suprises me. I have read many posts that the quality of Dreamcast VGA would be the same with all boxes, as just taps into the VGA native... but I don't see how this is different to how an RGB Scart cable taps into RGB Scart native, and we all know they vary greatly in quality.

          Eh doesn't matter, all I know is this Blaze box looks lovely on my HD-Ready LCD TV =P


            Thanks Yod@ & Shakey_Jake33

            I'd suspected the way my lcd tv handled the VGA signal was probably the problem as the vga box is superb with my crt monitor. I've heard a few people say that running stuff on an lcd at anything other than the native resolution can produce some pretty awful results. I guess some sets must just scale the signal better than others and Shakey was lucky enough to pick a good 'un.

            I completely agree with Yod@ that the DC is superb through VGA and the picture from the modded GC VGA cable really doesn't come close. Image quality seems fuzzier & colours less vibrant - I'd guess for the reasons Yod@ mentioned.

