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Looking for laptop

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    Looking for laptop

    k i have about 1500 that willing to spend on laptop im unsure as some of teh specs are seriously over my head, im aware of 64 bit tech so only interested with notebooks with that tech.

    it needs to be powerful as possible as preparing for uni and working with 3d studio max which drains cpu but im unaware of what's a good price/package when compared to other laptop

    so very confusing, im in a rush btw so some parts may not make sense, edit it later

    after just buying a ibook im very impressed with the new apple OS (Tiger). I thing the new G5 powerbooks are out soon (correct me if im wrong) how about a top of the range powerbook?


      I just spent 1500 on a new laptop. I wanted a desktop replacement with huge gaming power and found this Xtreme CT


        A G5 Powerbook is very unlikely now. Apple only just updated the G4 with a higher screen resolution, 128MB VRAM, larger hard drive, price drop etc. No speed bump though.
        Apple are moving to Intel chips from next year so a G5 chip from IBM or Motorola is just wishful thinking, I believe.
        I have a 15" 1.67 Powerbook and although great for my needs, people should be aware that it is not a 'games' machine by any stretch of the imagination.



          Originally posted by asnozz
          after just buying a ibook im very impressed with the new apple OS (Tiger). I thing the new G5 powerbooks are out soon (correct me if im wrong) how about a top of the range powerbook?
          Not Mac bashing or anything (used them for years, have an iBook myself and take Tiger over Windows any day...) but I doubt there'll be a G5 PowerBook released before Apple moves over to Intel hardware which has pretty much already happened - first "MacTel" machines are expected to ship mid-2006. The G4 is a Motorola chip so Apple may change the branding to signify the switch.

          Regardless, as lovely as PowerBooks are, and Tiger is, 3D Studio Max isn't available for OSX AFAIK. You can get Maya for Mac but that's not what dcmk wants.


            ok sorry my bad


              Possibly a bit out of your price range, but the Vaio TX series tends to weigh in around the ?15000 mark (although it tends to go over if you want the extra RAM and stuff). Most of what you're paying for is the extra-small extra-lightweight factor, so it depends on what you're interested in.


                ?15000 on a laptop? Must be a beast!

