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What TV cables do you use?

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    What TV cables do you use?

    just setup my new pc on my tv and some how my friend talked me into taking an audioquest DVI cable and compnent cable off him.

    The DVI cost me around £80 and the component cost me bout £20 from my friend. Thing is, i have no idea if the DVI cable makes THAT much of a difference and justifies my £80 spending... Maybe a £10 DVI would just be as good, on the other hand, the cable does look very colourful and FAT!!! Thickness nearly the size a 1p.

    as for the component... hm... havent had a chance to test him out yet...

    So what crazy cables are you people using?

    RF cables 4tw, tbh!

    In all seriousness, I can't tell the difference ina ?15 JVC RGB Scart cable and a ?100+ super fandango'd IXOS (or whatever the other one is...) cable. Don't think I have the eyesight, tbh. It's doubtful I'd be able to tell the difference between any DVI cable then.


      IXOS cable IME sound like they're good, feel chubbily (is that a word?) good and are reassuringly expensive. Trouble is they're never better in reality than what I've had before


        i whole heartedly recommend QED cabling... not cheap but fantastic quality.


          ?80 DVI cable? I thought the thing with DVI was that it's a digital signal so it's either working or not. No varying quality.

          I'd say just stick with standard cables. As long as they're not ridiculously cheap then you 'll be lucky to notice any difference with fancy ones.


            i need to add, if you've got a **** source and **** screen you'll not notice any difference... there IS a point of diminishing returns though, much like speaker cable on audio equipment, ?15 per metre cable is superb but ?50 per metre is better, just not by much. and ?900+ for a mains cable? get to ****!


              Just becuase it's a digitial signal doesn't mean to say you can use the cheapest cable available. However most people will never notice the difference in the amount of data lost through using naff cables because their kit isn't up to it. If your kit is all high end, you will notice the upgrade from basic cables to expensive stuff, otherwise it's pretty superfluous. Gotta go with the balance.

              However, now you've got the top kit cables, you know you've done the best you can in that area, so just enjoy it. If you aren't happy, it's probably other areas that are letting the system down.


                For SCART I think it's worth buying something that isn't too cheap. When I used an RGB picture I noticed a cheap RGB cable would still display a lot of noise but the expensive one didn't have much.

                I can get away with using the cheapest of the cheap RCA/phono cables in place of Component ones without any picture degredation at all though.


                  Just get one of those ?12 DVI's, they will be ample.

                  1m DVI cable Single Link Digital DVI Cable (DVI-D) with gold plated connectors and EMI suppressors. Limited lifetime warranty against manufacturing defects.

                  This will do. Perhaps an Ixos if your anal -

                  Remember, keep DVI's as short as possible, they get worse rapidly at higher lengths.

                  I stick to HDMI/DVI whenever possible (My DVD Player, for instance). VGA second choice (Dreamcast, 360 soon etc), and Component third choice.
                  If none of the above is possible, such as for older games consoles or Freeview boxes, obviously use a decent Scart cable.
                  Last edited by sj33; 30-10-2005, 04:29.


                    great... now i really do feel like an anal having paid the premium for the dvi cable...


                      I'll be honest, those mad ?80+ DVI cables are intended for the same type of person who pays ?70 on a Scart cable!


                        i just use ixos scart lead to my argos switch box and then official rgb leads for my consoles


                          It's all relative to be honest! If i just spent 13 grand on a plasma then i would happily pay ?80 for a cable, whereas if i spent ?500 on a plasma/lcd then i wouldn't bother and buy a cheaper ?10 - 20 one!!

                          Simple really!


                            ugh... maybe ill get a refund from my friend, getting back the 40quid wld be nice

