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HDTV LG RZ32LZ55 32"

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    HDTV LG RZ32LZ55 32"

    I've just brought this - and anything through DVI looks stunning as does VGA Dreamcast. However when running Component in it's not quite as great as I thought (tested PS2/GC/Xbox on 480p/576i and 720p)

    any causes that you can think of? the ps2/xbox cables are unofficial...


    What resolution are you inputting on vga/dvi??

    The screen is 1366x768, is that what you are feeding it with vga/dvi?

    If so drop your resolution down to 720x480 and see how that looks. I bet it now looks like **** too?

    The internal processing in the screen is not up to much, so when you have to scale alot it really makes it look soft and gives other artifacts, just the way it is I am afraid.


      Component always seems to be the one to go wrong if the TV's processing isn't up to scratch. Remember that DVI and VGA will be passing RGB signals to the TV, whereas Component is a colour-difference signal so needs further processing.

      What doesn't look so great about it, can you describe? Too much edge enhancement?


        Just noticed you said vga dreamcast, so that is 480p, yeah what are the problems you are seeing?

        Converting from RGB - YUV shouldn't loose anything at all, it is a really easy conversion to do. Does you screen remember different picture settings per input? and per frequency?
        Just make sure when you switch to YUV that it doesn't default back to the factory picture settings, it may be on dynamic with the contrast and sharpness ramped up to 100% or something!!


          It shouldn't lose anything yeah, but what I'm saying is that it's another place for things to possibly go wrong.


            genrally lots of jagged egdes and flickering


              Could be anything?

              do you get that with a progressive input too? Sounds like deinterlacing artifacts.


                I run my PC/DC through a DVI socket - and prog scan has flickering through component - im thinking of buying VDigi converter for it maybe it would be better because it'll run through the DVI?


                  Resi 4 on the GC just has far too much flickering...


                    Sounds like its knackered mate, or just not very good?


                      it was crap - glad I got it changed the Panasonic is gorgeous

