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PC Upgrade Advice

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    PC Upgrade Advice

    Ok. So I swore I'd get off the PC gaming bandwagon but I just can't do it. In fact the PC lineup for me at the moment is looking better than the 360s (X3 and Fear in particular). And I can play Call of Duty 2 on a PC too (particularly if upgraded).

    I have a tonne of dual channel fast RAM, a 3 GHz Intel processor (one of the HyperThreading ones) but its the graphics card that is starting to let me down. Its a 9800 Pro. Still just about usable but I'm thinking an upgrade is in order.

    I was looking at a 6800GT as my motherboard is only AGP compatible. But now I'm toying with the idea of changing the motherboard to a PCI Express one and getting a 7800.

    Ideas, thoughts and recommendations please!!

    Well i was going to get a agp version of the x800 xl or the x850

    But as someone pointed out to me for the same price as the agp version i could buy a pci express motherboard and a pci version of the x800 or x850

    So what i plan to get is a sapphire crossfire motherboard and a x850 card then at a later date when the prices dropped get my self a crossfire edition card


      if you buy a new motherboard you might have to buy a new processor as the motherboards i've seen are socket 775 intel pci express boards

      graphics card wise just depends on what you want to spend as you could get a 7800gtx but these are around 350 quid mark

      check on what the socket the cpu uses as i think you might have a 478 p4 processor


        Originally posted by eastyy
        Well i was going to get a agp version of the x800 xl or the x850

        But as someone pointed out to me for the same price as the agp version i could buy a pci express motherboard and a pci version of the x800 or x850

        So what i plan to get is a sapphire crossfire motherboard and a x850 card then at a later date when the prices dropped get my self a crossfire edition card
        Assuming my processor fits as Wod pointed out then that sounds like a very good plan.


          a program called cpu-z will tell you what socket the p4 is


            My system is a 64 3000 and 1gb ram plus a ati 9800

            Seems to run games like call of duty and X3 pretty but i would upgrade because i want them to run as smooth as possible (and for the upcoming oblivion game)


              wod - your right I have a socket 478 CPU. Man that sucks. There's no bloody reason for that other than to force you down a more expensive upgrade path - i.e. almost full replacement. So much for PCs being upgradeable....


                I have never used a pentium cpu or motherboard (except to fix someone elses computer)

                Not sure why that is but i have always stuck with amd


                  just had a look on some motherboard sites abit etc and they dont seem to do one with 478 cpu and pci express chipset.

                  so you might have to sell the p4 parts and go 775 with pci expess board or go amd which is cheaper and better for gaming so i've heard


                    Yeah your right Wod. I had a look around too. Thanks for pointing out the socket issues - I might have overlooked that.

                    It's a tricky decision to make really. If I upgrade my PC to that extent then I really think I should cancel my 360 preorder (or better still sell unscrupulously to someone desperate for one before christmas for there kids and make a nice tidy profit). Or do I keep my 360 order in.

                    At least the AMD processors aren't too pricey. It looks like a hundred quid would get me a decent one and I suppose I can sell my old bits on fleabay.

                    I'm going to go down the gym and mull this one over. Hopefully while watching some hottie jiggle on the treadmill. Always inspiring.


                      Originally posted by Ish
                      wod - your right I have a socket 478 CPU. Man that sucks. There's no bloody reason for that other than to force you down a more expensive upgrade path - i.e. almost full replacement. So much for PCs being upgradeable....
                      Ish have you run 3dmark 2005? what score did you get

                      The reason i ask is you system seems similar to mine except with different processors so it might be intresting to compare results


                        I've not run that no. Its downloading now and I'll let you know when I get back from the gym.

                        I did notice one thing strange in CPU-Z. I bought dual channel RAM and have a dual channel board the CPU-Z lists it as being single.


                          I get a puny 2574.

                          It'll cost me more than I'd like to upgrade but I am tempted. Particularly as I've found playing games on my new monitor (a 24" widescreeen) to be really absorbing.

                          But I really would have to ditch the 360 as I have a skiing holiday in January coming up also.

                          Decisions decisions.
                          Last edited by Ish; 05-11-2005, 11:37.


                            I think (though i will run it again tonight) i got around 2800

                            64 3200
                            1gb ram
                            ati 9800 all in wonder

