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Strange Saturn/TV problem

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    Strange Saturn/TV problem

    My TV keeps switching channels when I play me JP saturn, it doesnt do this using any other console. Im using a RGB scart lead. When I use a composite lead it works fine. (minus colour of course). Ive tested the system on another TV and there are no problems which makes me think that the T.V is at fault, but why only on my JP saturn?

    Any ideas?

    I think it's the cable, mate.

    The same thing happens to me with my NTSC SNES and n64, which I use the same RGB cable for. I have that cable, along with RGBs from a Saturn and Dreamcast going into a splitter box (as well as three more RGBs going into another splitter and into the other input socket on the TV) and they all work perfectly.

    Yet now and again when I'm using the SNES or n64 the TV will flick back to the last TV channel I had it on, then back again. Although it seems to do it less if I select the AV1 channel first, rather than letting the TV turn over itself when I switch the console on.

    What TV are you using? Me = 28" Sanyo CRT.


      What TV are you using?
      A state of the art 21" Alba CRT.

      Sounds like a similar problem to mine, Though this problem is not on the odd occasion, it happens every 5 seconds every time I use the saturn.

      Thanks for the info, I think I will buy another cable and see if it helps.


        Sounds like you're not getting the correct voltage on the auto-switching pin in your SCART, maybe there's a problem with the resistor in there getting an irregular or incorrect voltage in conjunction with your TV possible being a bit choosy about its auto-switching voltage.
        Open up the SCART end and see if there's a resistor running between pins 8 and 16 in there. If so, removing it might solve your problem but will also mean you need to manually switch the TV to the A/V channel in future.
        You can just snip its legs if you can't/don't want to desolder it. It performs no other function so your video quality won't be affected.


          Will try that later tonight. Cheers.

          Edit: took the resistor out and it now works fine.
          Last edited by lurch996; 08-11-2005, 17:09.

