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Keep getting reinfected with viruses

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    Keep getting reinfected with viruses

    I've managed to get a virus and although I keep removing the virus which is a trojan of some sort, I keep finding that my computer gets reinfected straight away, seems very strange and I keep getting these annoying popups alerting me to the dangers of spyware.
    I have Norton Antivirus 2005 as well as spybot and ad aware, and have never encountered such a problem before.
    I also use a firefox browser, but somehow these popups which are the most annoying thing seem to gain access through internet explorer, even when it is disabled, can anyone help?

    Are the pop ups for 'winantispyware' ? I had the same problem with IE.
    It's caused by 'Trojan.Vundo' and 'Trojan.Vundo.B.' Norton have removal tools but they didn't work for me.

    Download Spy Sweeper on 14 day trial and it will get rid of it. I found that it was the only app that would rid my machine of the pest. If it's the same thing it should appear as 'winfixer' in the log. Spybot claimed to kill it but Spy Sweeper cleared it for good. It's well worth paying for the full product as it really is an excellent cleaner.
    Last edited by Richard.John; 09-11-2005, 06:20.


      yes some of the popups are for winantispyware, getting quite irritating now although I have minimised the popups slightly by removing access to msn and internet explorer, but I shall try spy sweeper, and hopefully that will fix things,
      thanks for the help


        It should do it, so good luck.


          With most virii there are often manual ways you can remove them. Look up the trojan mentioned above, most good virus sites should give you a run down of what it is, what it does and ways to manually remove it. These often involve deleting an executable, removing reference from your startup procedure (msconfig in the Run box) and then deleting a registry entry or two. Fairly basic stuff and usually successful.


            Luckinly the bast virus is no more



