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Xbox Live Help Needed Urgently!!

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    Xbox Live Help Needed Urgently!!

    Hi guys,

    Ths has been pissing me off all night...3 hours and still nothing.

    Trying to get back on Xbox Live on my new XBox. I am using an account i created (it is not expired and is activated).


    It simply will not let me get on Live. I have AOL and have done the ICS as suggested in other forums on the topic.

    My XBox finds the Cable, finds the IP but cant match up the DNS!!!

    I have AOL and am using a crossover cable...

    This is driving me mad-please could somebody suggest what i should do...

    I dont mnd starting from scratch as long as i can get on...

    Going to sleep now cos ****ing annoyed and knackered-will look/respond first thing tomorrow

    Thanks in advance,



      Best advice I can give is don't connect it via the PC - plug it straight into the modem !!

      If you do that, set IP etc to AUTOMATIC and cross yer fingers. Did you contact AOL ? When I setup my XBOX I had to phone telewest and give them it's MAC address before it would work !!


        I'll give that a go!

        Checked through these pages and have a variety of answers that I can try.

        So annoying-why make it so complicated to get online!?!?!!?

