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Red Nintendo DS or New Improved SP

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    Red Nintendo DS or New Improved SP

    I have quite a few Advance games that I regularly play and I haven't got a DS yet. The release of the new improved SP is tempting me to buy one, but I also have my eye on the new Mario Kart Red DS Bundle!

    My Questions are:

    1. Is the DS good for playing Advance games? Will they look better on the system compared to the regular SP?

    2. Does the new improved SP have a better screen than the DS?

    3. Is the Red Mario Kart DS Bundle coming out in the UK soon?

    4. When is the new SP coming out in the UK- and for how much?

    Last edited by Leon Retro; 20-11-2005, 06:27.

    1. The DS screen is far better than the one on the standard SP. GBA games look much better as a result. The only thing the SP has going for it is that it's far more comfortable to play GBA games on. However opinions may differ...

    2. The new SP is brighter than the DS. Has over saturated reds. Slight motion blur not apparent on GB micro or DS (or original SP).

    Not sure if the new SP screen is technically better than the DS. But as its a vast improvement of teh current SP and its a lot more comfy than DS Id say the GBA-SP+ would be the system of choice for GBA games

    3. No. So go get the silver mario kart bundle. IMO red (or any distracting colour) isnt the best choice for a handheld system. Your eyes will thank you for choosing something more neutral.

    Import it from canada if you must

    4. Still no confirmation. Price would be the same as the current SP


      Go for the DS you plank!


        Ok,the new backlit sp,so i hear has a better screen than the ds,micro and the frontlit sp. Gba games will look better on the ds compared to the old sp but not better than the new sp. The other problems with playing gba games on the ds is that the image dosnt fill the whole screen and for want of a better word, is bordered horozontially and vertically much like when you play certain pal ps1 game through a pal ps2 in results in a 'picture frame' effect,the same happens to the ds playing gba. Also the gba cant play gb/gbc carts which you may or may not care about. The new backlit gba sp is supposed to be coming out in the uk at the end of 05,early 06 but will cost ?10 more than the current frontlit gba sp.


          Originally posted by Haribokart
          Go for the DS you plank!
          Yeah.. I should just get the DS and enjoy the best of both worlds!

          I really like the SP though, but I'm not in a posistion to own both. The borders on GBA games sounds a bit dodgy- how big are the borders, do they ditract from the experience??

          Thanks for all the help- especially Craptest


            The border are there, however, I didn't really notice them til recently. It's fine to play GBA games on really


              I've decided to buy the UK DS MarioKart bundle on Friday!



                Good boy


                  Anyone know if the Red DS is the same red as the Red SP?
                  e.g that metallic nice red.


                    From the pics ive seen on ebgames i think its a solid red and not metallic

                    either way it looks the business !


                      Ok koke. Shame that, I love my red SP. Nintendo should bring out more limited editions, I've got the picture of a sexy Pokemon on the SP, never played Pokemon but it looks nice anyway.

