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Horizontal vs. Vertical

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    Horizontal vs. Vertical

    So, I've heard that having the 360 vertical will cause it to overheat and give you a bunch of disk read errors. And I've heard that having it horizontal will make it scratch the games.

    Am I going to have to balance my 360 at 45degrees or can someone confirm/deny that these problems exist?

    Originally posted by toythatkills
    So, I've heard that having the 360 vertical will cause it to overheat and give you a bunch of disk read errors. And I've heard that having it horizontal will make it scratch the games.

    Am I going to have to balance my 360 at 45degrees or can someone confirm/deny that these problems exist?
    From what I understand if you change the orientation of the 360 in alignment with the current lunar cycle throughout the day. You should then find your machine working in perfect harmony with the elements. Of Power.

    For this you will need lots of small bits of wood and patience, but it will be worth it, its the new overclocking don't you know.
    Last edited by ItsThere; 28-11-2005, 08:41. Reason: Crap grammar


      I'm usually a horizontal type guy, but if it means preserving my games then vertical it will have to be.


        I never had my PS2 verticle - So im unsure at the mo, need some sort of truth to these rumours before i decide!!


          It'll be horizontal for me (but that's being dictated by my AV unit).

          I'm not putting much truck in the reports that it's scratching disks when horizontal. It's a DVD-drive after all - they're universally designed to work in that position.

          Vertically is a different issue mind, but I'd be willing to bet half the people who've had scratched discs haven't secured them using the clips on the tray to prevent movement.

          Either that or they've moved the system from one position to the other while it's still on.


            will be horizontal for me too


              Likely to be Horiz for me as well, although I have heard on the net, the only way to stop the system scratching disks is to mount it bare back on the family pet, using nothing but elastic bands ! This again is fully substantiated by solid internet rumours


                Horizontal for me too, PS2 never worked as good verticle and I (like most people) take all internet rumours with a pinch of salt.


                  Horizontal for me too, just looks better imo.


                    Never trusted my PS2 Vertical - i presumed it would scratch the disk?? So i like my ladies horizontal


                      Horizontal for me at the moment though that might change.

                      I'll admit the increasing rumours about the machine overheating, not working and scratching discs (though to be fair that's the one I have read least about) are starting to concern me a little and worry me a bit. (But then I'm like that anyway! )

                      I feel like I'm breaking my golden rule of Never buy a machine at launch, but then I have done in the past and not had problems so I just dunno.

                      I really can't see how it could scratch discs I mean people said that about the last Xbox but it's just a PC drive in there?! How many people do you know with PC's that have never scratched discs!

                      I think it's idiots using the machines, tipping it over whilst on, and generally not giving a **** about their media.

                      I worked for HMV a few years back and that showed me that so many people seem to think that CD/DVD based media is indestructable and just don't look after them!

                      /rant over


                        Vertical when next to the PC on my 19" LCD in HD.

                        Horizontal when under my TV when the lads are round.

                        All dictated by desk/unit configuration.


                          Vertical for me as well, no more room for any horizontal machines on my unit.


                            Horizontal. Less chance of mistaking it for a water filter.


                              In my experience horizontal causes less overheating, although you could just buy one of these -

