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Shenmue 2 Dreamcast help, freezing problems on disk 2

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    Shenmue 2 Dreamcast help, freezing problems on disk 2

    hello everyone.
    Been playing Shenmue 2 after a break of about 18 months, i was absolutly loving every minute of it (not quite as much as 1, due to the decreased sense of community), but the disaster happened, after a lengthy QT battle with those guys in the market stall area, you know where some thugs take away the guy you meet in that diner, i forget his name. One of the guys throws a melon at you anyway. right after the last guy has been dispached the QT event freezes, the music plays and the guys shirt flaps in the wind, the GD drive then makes horrendous noises while it searches for somthing. There is a tiny scratch on the disk, but only v small, it has never bee out of the box u see. And thats it, i cant do anything except shout and scream, thw whole thing just freezes no matter how long i leave it. Anyone have any advice, or have disk 2 for sale?

    does sound like a duff disk.

    try it on another dc if you can. a scratch might cause problems on some machines and not others, you might be able to save past the problem.


      Thanks, I will have to give that a go, man i was literally screaming last night when it kept freezing. there can be few more upsetting things in life than that.
      I was in the middle of a 6 hour session when it stopped, i might go on a killing spree if i cany sort it out. Any kind souls want to lend me disk 2 will be financially rewarded by the way


        Another alternative you can try is fixing the disk by getting those cd things that repair scratches,cannot remember the name of them at the moment.They are quite cheap,cheaper than buying a new copy of shenmue 2.

