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POP: Two Thrones *Bug*

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    POP: Two Thrones *Bug*

    well i have been playing this quite regularly since i bought it on friday and today im near the end, im ascending the tower of babylon. im at the middle of it. theres a particular section where the prince needs to run up, hit the wall with his dagger, then run along the wall very briefly to jump off a spring to then dagger grab the following wall. but what acually happens here is, the spring board always makes the prince miss the following dagger wall bit by a tiny fraction, obviously smacking the wall and falling to his death. i have repeatedly tapped the dagger button countless times just in case im too slow or something, but im not. he keeps missing, missing and missing. obviously the collision detection is way too small or the spring board has its aim off.

    i am imcredibly annoyed, ive almost finished this and i was enjoying it. now i have come across an uncompletable bug. rediculous.

    has anyone got to this section yet and has anyone got past it?

    It might not help you, but I've played the Xbox version to completion!

    I found when making those dagger grabs so to speak I often press the button just before I get there, and that usually does the job.

    Agreed the springboards can be a little annoying!

    It might be worth checking out the Ubi Soft forums as they are usually quite good at highlighting any bugs that arise and what to do about them!


