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Your german 360 came?

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    Your german 360 came?

    I know a few got 360's off german ebay, I was tlaking to you lot on another thread.

    I think I've been conned and Im sick to death of worrie and panic.
    Anyone else not got theirs yet?

    Its been around a week and a half sinc you paid right? And iirc, he wanted money to get transferred to his bank first, so that would take around a week, and then postage would take around another week (since its coming up to Christmas time).

    Last edited by HaHaUK; 18-12-2005, 12:57.


      Have you tried contacting him to check he's now received the cash/ posted the 360?

      If the guy has good feedback then I'm sure everything'll be fine and he won't mind you asking for an update (you've just paid the guy a few hundred quid after all!).

      If it's been posted courier/ register post ask for a tracking no. so that you can check it's progress online. It also lets you know he's not just telling you what you want to hear.


        Coincidentally, who did you buy it off? The guy I paid for mine still hasn't delivered to anyone in the UK, although a few people from Germany have given good feedback on their 360 purchases. I've already got my refund from him, since I got mine from the UK.

        Have a look at his feedback, if it's over 100, you'll most likely be alright.


          Mine came within a few days of the auction. Let's see the auction you bought it from.


            Well he said he posted it monday, and I e-mailed him asking for the DHl tracking number but no replies.

            Just worried thats all, I had a game from video games plus arrive less than a week and tahts CANADA......

            This is germany just across the sea.

