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Battlefield 2 rigs

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    Battlefield 2 rigs

    What setups are you using with Battlefield2?

    I just got the expansion pack (lol @ the British SAS). Had it on the wifes PC also but it gets choppy:

    P4/3G 1Gb Ram 6800GT playing at 1024x768

    which I thought would have been good for battlefield?


    That game is all about the RAM. If the graphics settings are on medium to high then you need more than 1GB to have a stutter free experience. Other than that, that setup is perfectly capable.


      yah, quick nip to pc world at lunch time for 2x1g jobs.



        I'm playing on a Athlon XP 2500+, 6600GT(128 ) and 1.5 Gb of RAM. With most details at medium and some at low.
        As wush said, since I went from 1 to 1.5 Gb of RAM the stuttering was a thing of the past.
        Last edited by VR46; 19-12-2005, 10:37.


          freaking pcworld are a joke they wanted 250quid for some crap generic DDR3200 memory!!! I don't ****ing things so. The mongs that must just buy stuff from there because they don't know any better!


            WTF that is crazyness. Ebuyer is deffo the best for RAM prices id say.


              ha ha jeso u could get some corsair or crucial for way less

              I often feel sorry for ur pc world punter, they must get the utter ****e ripped out them all the time


                Originally posted by oblivion_6
                ha ha jeso u could get some corsair or crucial for way less

                I often feel sorry for ur pc world punter, they must get the utter ****e ripped out them all the time
                I think RAM is important as I have a slow CPU but the game loads & plays really well.

                CPU: P4 3.0Ghz with 2GB Cache
                MEMORY 2GB with 4x 533Mhz DDR2 512MB DIMMS Paired
                SATA HDD
                GPU: XFX 7800GT at stock

                I play at 1280x1024 with everything maxed, including AA.

                No idea on FPS but it's very smooth. I amusing the latest "Offical" Drivers, not beta.

                In Task manager, I seem to be using about 1.6GB of memory when the game is running. (But this may not be quite right as I just CTRL+ALT+DEL to get the taskmon)

                My old rig played really well when I put in 1.5GB of DDR 1 Memory

                OLD RIG: 1024*800 all on medium

                P4 1.8GHz
                1.5GB DDR RAM (2x512MD, 2x256MB)
                IDE 7800 HDD
                Radeon 9800 Pro at stock

                With 1 GB it was terrible. (Loading & choppy FPS in places)




                  lol neil you should have ordered some ram from crucial website as they send it special delivery


                    I got some XMS Pro from TCR for ?190 A little pricey but for components I don't like delaing with online companies. Battlefield 2 now runs sweet.

